Example sentences of "go on become [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is this which produces Leonard 's startling use of juxtaposition , which goes on to become a disavowal technique . )
2 The narrator ( of the Morgans ) is called Arthur and it is Arthur who survives the death of Philip and goes on to become a writer of some undefined kind on the model of David Copperfield and Great Expectations .
3 Since Lewis was to go on to become a faithful and devoted Christian , he writes rather as if the ‘ conversion ’ were a fait accompli , after which nothing could be the same .
4 Pat told the Careers Officer : ‘ I 'm going on to become a professional footballer ’ . ’
5 ‘ I 'm really looking forward to linking up with David because I believe we can go on to become every bit as good as the partnership I had with Ian . ’
6 And , who knows , you may go on to become a Master of Wine .
7 The child who has been told that he is ‘ useless ’ , ‘ stupid ’ or will ‘ never amount to anything ’ will go on to become an adult whose Inner Face is that of a worthless individual — even If events prove that the truth is very different .
8 All being well , it will now go on to become an infant and will be born around 40 weeks after conception takes place .
9 ‘ No , I hope that I can come back next season to ride Party Politics again and that he could go on to become the type who will run in the Grand National another two or three times .
10 The younger Dale went on to become a member of the Athenaeum , a knight and Vice-Chancellor of Liverpool University .
11 Steve Douglas 's Fanzine ‘ Go for It ’ started this year , and from a piece of folded photocopied paper , it eventually went on to become a printed glossy skate mag covering much of the skate scene at the time and the next few years for which the Farnborough scene played a major part if not the main part .
12 The case of Stefan Kiszko , wrongly jailed nfor 16 years — thanks , in part , to the eccentric defence mounted by his barrister , David Waddington , who went on to become a pro-hanging Tory Home Secretary .
13 The son of a former naval commander who went on to become a sales rep for a marine- engines manufacturer , Tim was educated at Sevenoaks School , a minor public school in Kent where he became house captain .
14 The book went on to become a best-seller and last year 's Presidential Christmas card was even ‘ paw-signed ’ by Millie .
15 And the critic Richard Findlater , who later went on to become a dear friend , said , ‘ How dare the English equivalent of a national theatre employ a schoolgirl , whom none of us has heard of , and who ca n't do it ? ’
16 He did , however , and went on to become a leading citizen .
17 One Consuela Bailey , who went on to become a Broadway actress of note , is seen as a child actress in Natchez , even then with an alarmingly haughty stage presence .
18 Rossi went on to become a psychiatrist .
19 In Sacramento he began as an unworldly ideologue , but went on to become a pragmatist .
20 After an education at both Alford and Louth grammar school , John Smith went on to become a pirate , adventurer , map-maker , explorer , Founder and President of Virginia and Admiral of New England .
21 The incident did no harm to his career for he went on to become a peer and Lord President of the Council in the Marches .
22 He went on to become a senior captain with an international airline .
23 Cherry went on to become a popular radio broadcaster and was sadly killed when leaving Broadcasting House during an air raid in 1940 .
24 His brother Marshall Field , arrived three years later and went on to become a world legend as the Merchant Prince
25 Her other recreation is playing the violin , something she took up at the age of 11 when she went on to become a member of the Preston Youth Orchestra .
26 A group called Simplicity was launched in Oxford and went on to become a national success .
27 By chance , Hammarskjold 's assistant , who went on to become a UN ambassador , was n't on board .
28 Latimer Hinks was established on January 29 , 1892 , by Mr John Fenwick Latimer , son of a Methodist minister and a lifelong Liberal who went on to become a Darlington town councillor and alderman .
29 He studied law at the Moscow State University , and went on to become a full Communist Party member two years later , in nineteen fifty two .
30 With hands still firmly on hips , Joan went on to become the face that launched a thousand mannequins
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