Example sentences of "go [adv] to a " in BNC.

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1 I had left my mother and father and husband to go alone to a place which was completely unknown to me in order to live with people who were equally unknown .
2 Set three days aside in your diary ( within the next three months ) to go away to a hotel with your team and tackle the issue .
3 Then Jane goes away to a school called Lowood .
4 Additionally , in the case of a complete failure to perform to contract at all , the buyer will usually have the right to go elsewhere to a third party for the same goods and to charge the seller for any increase in the price paid to the third party over that payable to the seller .
5 Thus , they argue , why not short-circuit the development of ambient air quality standards , air monitoring , diffusion modelling , etc. and simply require all emitters to go directly to a ‘ good practice ’ emission standard ?
6 She will twist your poor rich senile arm to pay you out , because you have an airy house on the hill , and she goes home to a room in the damp and humid valley .
7 In most houses , with what is called an indirect cold water supply , the rising main goes directly to a cold water cistern , typically situated in the loft ; in others , with a direct cold water supply , the supply for taps and fittings within the house is taken from the rising main itself .
8 It is not official information , it is better that it goes directly to a department that can deal with it .
9 Time to go home to a warm fire .
10 Shulamith Firestone undoubtedly did everyone a great service by vigorously extending this notion to women , and pointing out the absurdity of men 's viewing themselves as totally detached individuals in relation to the rest of society , while still expecting to go home to a wife who would always have their dinner hot for them in the evening .
11 At one time when he had been going out a lot with a Jewish couple he wrote to Hanns ‘ I have become a regular ghetto-yid ’ , going now to a stately home ‘ to ride their circumcised horses , now to a vile villa of Bellevue to hear real kosher recordings of Beethoven which none of them liked or understood , though they pretended they did , and now to a café which is inhabited solely by people who look like Schnozzle Durante . ’
12 You know is going forward to a week on Sunday and then whatever else happens we 're going through the process are n't we ?
13 Remember , the protectiveness of your subconscious is unlikely to allow you to go straight to a period or an event so traumatic that it has affected you for such a long time afterwards .
14 Once they 're approved landlords or homeowners will be able to go straight to a county court for a possession order .
15 Dickie bored him all through the first course with stories of the Navy in the First World War , and all through the second course with stories of the Navy in the Second World War , and then he got up and said , ‘ I 've got to go now to a meeting of the Chiefs of Staff , but the Prime Minister will keep you amused . ' ’
16 ‘ His advice was to go immediately to a Casualty unit at a local hospital .
17 We danced until the early hours of the morning when , exhausted , we all went together to a large bedroom and fell asleep .
18 If the weather is good , go outside to a local park or to the countryside .
19 I was so physically tired that I slept as soundly as the corpses outside the window but , unlike them , awoke refreshed and went downstairs to a good breakfast .
20 Go home to a nice tough , clean house shall we ?
21 Secondly , if they accept those arguments , then before anything becomes public I then need to embark on a process of consultation with the residents themselves and with their relatives and with their staff , so that we can explain it carefully to them — what it 'll involve , the time scale , what their options are going to be , how we 'll go through this process and all the rest of it , all the ins and outs , and then I shall have to then go formally to a special meeting of the Social Services Committee , probably in April , to say that I 've carried out this consultation , that this is my recommendation as to the home the Council should choose , and if they agree that then we move into implementation .
22 A heavy contact to the opponent 's face may not merit just a verbal warning ; after consultation with the other members of the panel , the referee can go directly to a full point penalty or even a disqualification .
23 X/Open is pushing the DCE specifications through a fast track procedure for adoption , which means they go straight to a vote by its members rather than through a prolonged period of technical evaluation , work already done exhaustively by OSF in any case .
24 Where to borrow depends a little on what you need the loan for , but broadly speaking you should go straight to a bank or building society and explain that you want a personal loan .
25 I think we forget , in these days , that in the Thirties a young person left school at fourteen , and in many cases , went straight to a job .
26 And the fire went straight to a place deep inside her body that she had n't even known existed until this moment .
27 Trailing to a Cliff Thompson goal at half time Herrington were soon back on level terms when Tom Welsh scored only to again go behind to a David Ross effort .
28 Wakefield went behind to a fourth-minute penalty by Chris Smith .
29 Er which is the case unfortunately in er some instances with animals , but it 's been as you know perhaps at the R S P C A shelter just down the road there at er , but it 's gone now to a happy home in Derbyshire .
30 On the other hand , when you go abroad to a country where you 're completely unrecognized , you 're reminded what it 's like to be a member of the public , and that can be very sobering — life without the smiles and knowing looks .
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