Example sentences of "go [prep] a school " in BNC.

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1 But Hilary Witt , head of Cambridgeshire 's catering service , admits : ‘ The trouble is , going into a school hall for dinner is less exciting than going into the Wimpy bar .
2 ‘ There is no point in going into a school library now , ’ said a well known author at a recent Arts Council seminar .
3 They want to try and get her home instead of going in a school .
4 The whole of British Isles , right , erm in various sort of settings , different places , you 're going to a school are n't you tomorrow
5 and that goes into a school
6 It is wise to go to a school which is BHS and/or ABRS approved .
7 Mrs Aggie , I do n't want to go to a school where I wo n't be able to get out and come home .
8 but er , under the nineteen forty four Act , Rentham Senior School then became Rentham Modern School and we thought we thought that the silly term to go to a school which in nineteen twenty six had been er
9 Last week , adults waiting to go to a school for the adult mentally handicapped were taken there three hundred and fifty and only ten teachers were allowed into the school .
10 Now he faces the prospect of having to go to a school more than a hundred miles from his home .
11 It would of just , it would have been , if he had n't been that he , you know that he had to go to a school in Northumberland , he was just as near
12 I mean the other week she wanted to go to a school disco and I said look hang on n get your priorities right .
13 No I do n't want him to go to a school where there 's a lot of bullying .
14 erm It 's sometimes a little bit daunting to go to a school , particularly if you happen perhaps to have hated school yourself and not to have been near a school for a long time , got away from it as soon as you could when you were younger .
15 Every Strathclyde pupil is expected to go on a school trip involving an overnight stay at some point during their schooling , though their parents would have to give their consent to this .
16 He goes to a school in the Tene Valley , it 's a teacher that , he used to go to Exeter school and the teacher 's opened her own school and , only for lo a small time and then she 's opening up actually in Exeter but this is an in between and she 's a very good teacher !
17 Erm Lowestoft , which was the only other one which evacuated in total , they went as a school rather than a , you know , the individual children .
18 He went through a schools system which made art compulsory , failing the subject at O-level but passed with flying colours to gain an Alevel in sculpture .
19 The last part of the resolution is it 's actually taking up the area , where at the present time we have n't got a D S O. It seems stupid that you go into a school and you can clean , clean their classrooms , cut their grass and look after their , do their grounds maintenance , cook the kids ' dinners , but you ca n't do any minor repairs , you 've got to call in another organisation .
20 For example , how can an adviser go into a school and give advice on procedures , and within weeks go in and inspect those same procedures in a censorial sense ?
21 We went in a school trip .
22 Born in 1909 in New York City to parents who were members of the Ethical Society , he went to a school run by the Society where , under distinguished teachers , he ended up with little knowledge of even how to write correctly .
23 Vonetta was born in this country and went to a school which had a good multicultural mix ; she talked about the ways in which many of her friends , white and Black , love Black music and styles of fashion and find Black men the most attractive .
24 It reminds me of the time I went to a school in Clevedon to interview one of the masters , David Bryant , who was the greatest bowls player in the world and a star in his own right .
25 he passed his eleven plus as it was then and er he went to a school called Regent Street Grammar school in Plymouth and when we moved in here I had to go to Holly House , I think they call it
26 Well yesterday we actually went to a school and you show them how to use with a condom demonstrator and allow them to touch the condoms , and in youth clubs you allow them to do practically anything with them , as long as they 're returned , they can blow them up , or they can
27 Do you seriously think that if you went to a school and it was like , you know , all cosy , you know , you had dealers and were n't allowed to smoke , you were n't allowed to drink and you were n't allowed to take drugs do you seriously think anyone would go there ?
28 I remember we all went on a school trip to the Geffrye Museum of period furniture and costume in Hackney , East London .
29 She went on a school trip to Tuscany and saw many of the pictures she had known for so long .
30 Nadia has already seen a good deal of Scotland , and also went on a school trip to France and Belgium when pupils of St Mary 's accompanied members of a pensioners ' lunch club to find out about the European Community and the European Parliament .
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