Example sentences of "go [art] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It is an Army Town and we were its children , destined , if unlucky , to go the way that nearly 2,000 of its children did years before and would do again .
2 Well I know with two ladies th their daughters wanted to , them to go the house and they would n't .
3 ‘ Fair goes the dancing when the sitar 's tuned ;
4 Coupled with her hope that the war may end in a stalemate goes the hope that she may never be obliged to become a belligerent nation .
5 But along with this goes the idea that to talk of ‘ the mind ’ is to talk of something actually in the head , or at any rate capable of making contact with the rest of the body via the brain .
6 That goes the holly and the ivy .
7 Wham ! goes the table and thirty feet of hors d'oeuvres are on the floor .
8 So the first man goes the house and he goes and opens the door and you hear the door .
9 And so on and so on for another hour and a half , sweating and dazed , until at 4.48 a.m. , extremely painfully , out comes young Tom ( not such a bad name ; commonplace , I know ) , emerging head looking like a terrifically cross blue Brussels sprout , splosh go the fluids , splat goes the placenta and there he is .
10 With this goes the argument that small enterprises tend to be more efficient than larger ones , both in their use of scarce resources and the flexibility of their response to market processes .
11 That would be an extravagance of classicallly based compliment and then Milton the puritan comes along and says to himself that wo n't do , we need a footnote , and in goes the footnote if true here only — do n't forget that these classical legends are all lies .
12 I do n't , I 'm going the wrong way , I 'm going the way when I go with Jim the quick way
13 ‘ I 'm going no place until we get this sorted .
14 He worked now with his father at the farm , going every morning as the sun came up and not getting back until it was due to set again , so she hardly saw him unless she hid from Ma when it was bedtime .
15 This time Damien Cronin kept going a move that seemed about to die and Hastings just made the line near the corner .
16 And he goes no man and he just walks away .
17 It goes every day and I can assure you that your cousin who is helping Germany to victory with her work will receive them very quickly . ’
18 But once he was safely out of sight , these same strangers unclenched their buttocks and declared that ‘ there goes a wrong'n if ever there was , who 'll end in a gallows dance . ’
19 But you see three quarters of an hour , if we , if we , when er Ken , Ken and Freda 's an hour and a half , er , it soon goes an hour and a half with company like that do n't it ?
20 We were wearing wetsuits , helmets and lamps and carrying ex-army ammunition boxes that were watertight and into which had gone the cameras and flashguns we were going to use to photograph the mine .
21 As the hippies had all but gone the police and the RSPCA pounced on a lorry , inside was a horse which had been badly injured in a road accident .
22 Dom-peromp — stamp — derompompompedom , derom — stamp — perom — stamp went the music as we clattered round the loose floorboards .
23 Jokes about their own plight and sarcasms aimed at ‘ Them ’ at the top went the rounds as the standard of living fell steadily throughout Romania in the 1980s .
24 The dale rocked with mirth for days as the story went the rounds and will probably be retold for another generation to come .
25 In went the putt and he asked me to keep the ball because he wanted to take it home and get it mounted instead of throwing it to the crowd .
26 Snip , snip , snip went the shears until a head appeared .
27 They did n't go to playgroup sessions , but they just went the mums and toddler session .
28 out went the feeder and after three or four chucks the tip went round .
29 I SAY that Rocky Marciano had 49 fights , of which 43 were won by knockout , six went the distance and there were no draws .
30 Crash , bang and wallop , went the Cadillac and finally …
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