Example sentences of "go on into [art] " in BNC.

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1 And it goes out in a blaze of colour — a spectacular firework display which starts at 6.45pm and goes on into the night .
2 But , nevertheless , for me eternity was not now , and I had to go on into the future and in this world .
3 This includes considerable inspection work , firstly to establish what grinding needs to be done , and then to ensure that the body is fit , after they have completed their welding and grinding , to go on into the paint shop .
4 Such arguments over values , political or religious , were to go on into the next decade .
5 The computer turns its interpretation of what is going on into a television picture — healthy tissue is coloured green , tumours show up red .
6 Investigations are also going on into the state holding company , Corfo , the housing ministry and a state-owned bank where new officials have uncovered high-handed property transfers and loans made either to the army as an institution or to individual officers .
7 There was a continuity then in Unionist attitudes to the war , going on into the post-war years in demands for a harsh treatment of Germany after defeat .
8 We have an excellent reputation in Oxfordshire as an Education Authority erm and a reputation which extends around the country , so I do see it as a vote of confidence , and I am very pleased about it , but I do think that the whole exercise was somewhat premature in the light of the erm research and investigation that was going on into the tertiary college , and indeed the consulting process actually ran through at the same time as the campaign was running on whether the Banbury School should opt out , and erm regrettably I think has lost something as a result of having the two run together .
9 It may stop after one or two drinks or it may go on into a spree .
10 Her eyes closed , she turned her face away , released her hold on my cheekbones and let me go on into the hall .
11 Er , thank you Chair , for the opportunity to introduce the paper which I do briefly bearing in mind what I , I see are all the pressures on you which will go on into the afternoon .
12 I 'm sure that Ruth searches her heart , she , she may of made her decision lightly way back to go with Ruth er , to go with Naomi but not now , its a heart searching decision she makes , the choice before her , do I go back or do I go , do I go on , do I go back to Moah with its familiarity with all the things I am aware of or do I go on into the unknown with my mother in law and with her god Auper makes a choice and she goes back and Ruth had , Ruth says no and she makes the commitment and she says there , in verse sixteen , do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you , for where you go I will go and where you lodge , I will lodge , your people should be my people and your god my god and its those last few words that makes all the difference , your god will be my god , I will not be a stranger there , I will not be an alien there , I will be part of your people , and the only way she could be part of Naomi 's people was for Naomi 's god to be her god , that was the thing that kept , that was , that was the common denominated should all of Naomi 's people , because they all belonged
13 But apparently it will go on into the being Fridays , but
14 The line went on into a big Jamaican area , and I was the only white left in a full carriage .
15 When they reached the yard , Emily went on into the house while Mungo watched Jos and Stanley change a wheel on the old blue van .
16 Most , in both categories , left after taking the School Certificate ( if not sooner ) , but a trickle went on into the sixth form and even to the universities .
17 Ironing often went on into the evening .
18 She went back to her place with a complacent bounce to her step , and with a curse , but not meaning it , I took the Coke and a glass to her table and went on into the dome car for the rest .
19 Celebrations went on into the morning and Paul and Fiona , along with many of their friends , stayed on in Jersey for a week 's holiday , before flying to Greece for their honeymoon .
20 I went on into the room where a middle-aged Moroccan woman lay sprawled on his bed , open-legged and completely naked .
21 Implicit in the rhetoric of those who campaigned for stiffer age-of-consent legislation ( and the campaign went on into the 1930s to raise it above 16 , even to 21 ) was the assumption that young working-class girls were ignorant and defenceless and could not decide for themselves .
22 The calculated , dictated fairness that the ration book represented went on into the new decade , and when we moved from Hammersmith to Streatham Hill in 1951 there were medicine bottles of orange juice and jars of Virol to pick up from the baby clinic for my sister .
23 So I went on into the town , and told them at the castle , and the lord Beringar has set a guard on the place now until daylight .
24 Charlotte took her ticket , and went on into the enclosure of Aurae Phiala .
25 Walking past her , his stride long and rangy , he went on into the house .
26 Slipping off her muddy shoes , Leonora went on into the big living-room , every nerve on edge as she crept silently across the familiar worn carpet towards the seductive warmth from the stove , but there was still no sign of Penry .
27 To beat the habit of taking an unnecessary emergency breath before speaking , practise this at home : shout ‘ Oy ! ’ before reciting each line of a chosen poem or song , then go on into the line without a breath .
28 Go on into the hall ; we 're going out . ’
29 Just le lea you 're leading them home so let them pick a bit of grass and then you go on into the yard and I 'll give them the breakfast , they have their breakfast and while they 're eating their breakfast you 're doing your horse and you get finished and then you go and have yours .
30 go on into the development timescale and costs .
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