Example sentences of "go about the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He does n't know how to go about the work he has been put in charge of , and yet the successful solution of this case will be a great coup for him , politically .
2 What 's , how , how 're you going to go about the problems , sort of talk through the stages .
3 Here are some pointers on how to go about the writing task : 1 .
4 Erm and I could see what they were after you know , an engineer has in his mind the plan and how to go about the thing and , and get it all done in a one-off situation .
5 ‘ And if rumour were to go about the levels that the T'ang has lost something important and would clear a deck to find it ?
6 I take Eubank to win in four if he goes about the task like a true champion .
7 The head who goes about the job with tremendous enthusiasm and courtesy is likely to generate these attributes in other members of staff .
8 Two further points are of importance in going about the budgeting process .
9 The simplest way of getting an answer is to show the advertisement to a number of individuals selected from the target group , or to a group of them , and to get a discussion going about the ad .
10 ‘ I remember him going about the village , collecting the details , the birth certificates and things .
11 Murray said one particular employee had been going about the depot under the influence of drugs .
12 Leopold related the news , and the Archbishop 's excuse for not having allowed father and son to travel the previous year : ‘ he said that he could not tolerate people going about the world begging ’ ( 31 August 1778 ) .
13 ‘ Oh , Mum , ’ said Camille , cool with the confidence of the adolescent who knows that the rules of mortality , the risks inherent in living and going about the world , do not apply to her .
14 Romany mimed them going about the boat , looking here and looking there .
15 Going about the place telling everyone what a fine fellow you are does little to improve your image .
16 They left the hatch open , and we could hear them going about the barge , arguing with the bargemen .
17 That is the portrait of a don , a don in his supreme incarnation , a don going about the business that he was designed for by nature .
18 But , even assuming its feasibility , this would be a grossly stupid way of going about the business , reducing the whole delicate operation to a clumsy manipulation of crudely simplified formulae .
19 Hrun going about the business of being a hero , he realised , was quite different to the wine-bibbing , carousing Hrun who occasionally came to Ankh-Morpork .
20 He enjoyed the camaraderie of police life and spent several minutes going about the murder squad office , exchanging pleasantries with officers he did not know and catching up with the latest news .
21 Field officers do not go about the business of bringing pollution to light in an unpatterned way .
22 I did then go about the task Mr Farraday had set me with some dedication ; I spent many hours working on the staff plan , and at least as many hours again thinking about it as I went about other duties or as I lay awake after retiring .
23 Your mission is to boldly go about the galaxy destroying the Klingon forces which possess many new tactical weapons and abilities .
24 Your mission is to boldly go about the galaxy destroying the Klingon forces which possess many new tactical weapons and abilities .
25 They will go about the city in the weeks to come , and Phil will point out things behind doorways and up courtyards that he 'd never noticed , and explain how the whole set-up of the city is really a conspiracy , and read out public notices in a voice that makes them suddenly ridiculous , and persuade him to believe preposterous stories .
26 And can I just explain how we go about the course .
27 They both go about the Principality boasting about their actions in terms of foreign investment in Wales .
28 As they go about the city they search for God .
29 It is the structural proteins which are of real interest , as they go about the business of actually modifying cells ; the immediate early gene mechanism is a piece of molecular biological housekeeping , which probably seems arcane not merely to most non-biochemists but to biochemists as well .
30 Edward Thomas wrote these words in 1908 , at a period of comparative ease and tranquillity , when he had gone about the South Country these twenty years and more on foot , especially in Kent between Maidstone and Ashford and round Penshurst , in Surrey between London , Guildford and Horley , in Hampshire round Petersfield , in Wiltshire between Wootton Bassett , Swindon and Savernake .
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