Example sentences of "go take [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She said , I 'm going to see her she said and if she has it on I 'm going to take her on one side and I 'm going to say , Miss Anderson will you let me tell you how to dress .
2 Caroline remembered that moment when she had thought Nicolo was going to take her in his arms .
3 ‘ We 're going to take them on Monday , ’ he said .
4 He 's going to take them without you 're knowing .
5 I 'm going to take them to court and sue them
6 She said she was going to take them to the men working on the road . ’
7 A spokesman for the Freeman Hospital said : ‘ We have donated the valves and Dave Pick is going to take them to literally save the woman 's life .
8 Oh you 're not going to take them with you ?
9 Yes my Lord can I say w , your Lordship says that and for the benefit of the jury , that with the subsequent officers objections I 'm not going to take them through their training or their .
10 Now originally the trip was going to take them through many middle eastern countries including Jordan and Israel , er have you had to change your plans at all Andrew , it sounds as though that might not be the ideal place to be going at the moment ?
11 ‘ We 're going to take him to Italy when I go over for the collections .
12 she 's going to take him to solicitors .
13 Brain power and horse power is going to take him to the top of the sport .
14 Erm he 's just come down with this rotten old cough and cold again and I was going to take him to the doctor 's but then they do n't like it giving them anything and I do n't like giving him anything so
15 His uncle was going to take him on one when they next went to Cannes .
16 He was going to take me to the derelict château he and Montaine had discovered in a clearing in one of the forests .
17 Well he does n't know where I live at the but it came up in court that he was going to take me to court for access , making it out as though it was my fault that he had n't seen Ricky , I was stopping him from seeing Ricky when it 's his own fault .
18 It we he phoned at it was , it was five to six , Jim was going to take me to aerobics because of the weather
19 Now , where did you say you were going to take me for that drink ? ’
20 He said right then I suppose you 're going to take me over the wee pub now .
21 Pooped on pep pills , has a mother worried sick , and she is going to take me in hand !
22 She had the feeling that he was n't going to take it at all well and , like the Taurean bull that he was , he was highly dangerous when aroused .
23 So I mean if the man was going to take it on himself I mean er he used the French letter then when that clinic started up as I would say , the women would go there you see stop that lark because they did n't even they did n't even let , er take very kindly to the French letters some of them did n't you know , the men .
24 ‘ That 's the whole point — regardless , Miss Everett , that both you and I know that you 're never going to marry him anyway , Travis , who cares deeply for his family , ’ as you do , Leith could well have inserted , ‘ is only going to take it on the chin and let you go , by learning that the person you do love is a member of his family , who loves you in return . ’
25 You going to take it to Jenny 's with you tomorrow ?
26 Her eyes followed him as he unpacked the bike , and she wondered if he was just going to take it for granted that she would sleep with him of if he would offer her the choice .
27 I was just going to take it into the smoking-room when Giffen stopped me .
28 The story of a children 's Christmas , climaxing in a party , comes towards the lower end of these two extremes , and we are going to take it as the plot on which can be built an interesting home movie .
29 or take it off your winnings , but I 'm not going to take it off my winnings so
30 " Are you going to take it from me , or would you sooner have it from Mr Jenks ? "
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