Example sentences of "go [adv] on [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And anyway , when you think of what goes on on telly now , if it was true we 'd all be raving . ’
2 So , if your boiler , fire or cooker goes down on Christmas day , we 'll be there to sort things out .
3 to remove existing 80-metre fence at west end and replace with new fence to allow full 2-metre width ( old fence to be removed at start of works ; new fence to go in on completion , to allow dumpers to manoevre while work is in progress .
4 The patient is admitted to one of these units in order to allow the carer the freedom to go away on holiday , as it is well recognized that carers need a proper break at intervals , so you should not feel guilty about taking advantage of the opportunity .
5 Lewis 's doctor put him on tranquillizers and advised him to go away on holiday .
6 you know , part of me was thinking well just a minute you know this service is if blind people can offer describers , but on the other hand people are entitled to go away on holiday
7 Dad phoned me up the day before and , knowing I was about to go away on holiday , suggested we meet the next night , on the fourth of August .
8 Her parents were due to go away on holiday at the start of the following week .
9 There were various factors that came into making this decision but one of the things is I 'm heartily sick that I have never been able to go away on holiday in the autumn ever in my life .
10 ‘ Father 's had to go away on business , ’ said Mother .
11 ‘ He was just about to go away on business when Charles rang to tell him we were n't going to St Lucia after all .
12 If you can fork in some compost , so much the better , but the bottom spit stays down , and the second row top spit goes over on top .
13 If someone goes away on holiday , you may well give the key to a neighbour , they probably know a relative of yours or somebody like that that if anything does happen they can contact you or your relative to come down and check the house over .
14 But Chancellor Kohl appears to have been startled by suggestions that his letter to President Mitterrand last week implying an intention to go slow on EMU might have been inspired by a desire to play the German unity card in the West German general election next year .
15 The voices of , among others , Joss Ackland , Claire Bloom , Roy Kinnear and Rik Mayall give us a tale of pretty Princess Irene whose father the King goes off on business .
16 She was frightened and depressed when they took her into hospital for the operation on December 22 , but she was fit enough to go home on Christmas Day .
17 At the time of rehearsals for Freddie Mercury 's tribute concert at Wembley , former Queen bass player John Deacon strangely opted to go off on holiday , leaving Neil to dep with the band .
18 And then , out of the blue , as she was getting ready for bed on the evening before Kirsty was due to go off on holiday , Mrs Aitken tapped on Shiona 's bedroom door .
19 ‘ Are n't you and Charles due to go off on holiday soon ? ’ she queried , when tea and biscuits were duly dispensed to Lucy and she could sit down on a wicker-backed chair and sip her own .
20 Diana much prefers sitting in the body of the auditorium where she can see what is going on on stage .
21 Supposed to be going down on weekend of fifteenth but when she phones on Thursday I 'm going to tell her to come during the week .
22 Short of the holocaust , when everything will be blown away on the wind of oblivion , there is no reason to believe that we will see the lights going down on capitalism in our lifetime .
23 Us going in on foot and then the equipment being airlifted in is about as arsy-versy as you can get .
24 The preparations for going away on holiday are the same as those outlined in Chapter Seven for going into hospital .
25 Always take extra clothes hangers if you 're going away on holiday .
26 If you are going away on holiday like I go away on holiday and probably some your colleagues and you 're going abroad for two three weeks , it makes commonsense to try and protect your home as soon as you possibly , as much as you can by isolating the risk .
27 I said I could n't stop the night because I was going away on holiday early the next morning .
28 ‘ Are you going away on holiday this year ? ’ the woman asked her .
29 They were bubbling in the car because they were going away on holiday .
30 ‘ If John Barnes had been going through on goal and he was brought down by John Humphrey , he would have been sent off .
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