Example sentences of "go [adv] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hunt goes on for two climbers after body is found
2 The main point is to raise money for Christian Aid , and although preparatory work goes on for many months , the 3 weeks during which the Church is used for sorting , and them selling , seem to bring out all the best feelings .
3 It also goes on for bloody ages .
4 Nobody wants to lose and if nobody wants to lose it means it gets fiercer and it goes on for longer and it does takes a long time to resolve , if it ever is and often to the detriment of one person to the success of another .
5 If it goes on for another 2 weeks , that is a distinct possibility .
6 There are , of course , many occupations in which similar demands of constant readiness are made , but when it goes on for twenty years or more it is inclined to upset a good domestic relationship .
7 The process goes on for several days , a few polyps occasionally expanding briefly , until finally the coral returns to its former glory .
8 The list of things to be seen goes on for several pages , and most of them have three stars .
9 So upon this , my third post-chapel ‘ chat ’ of my first Lent term , ‘ The boy who refused to be confirmed at a Woodard School ’ was launched , and the annual , ‘ All those who have n't been confirmed , stay behind after matins ’ was to go on for four more weary years .
10 Well I think the consideration and the research has got to go on for some time .
11 Well , they 're in detailed discussions , and negotiations are likely to go on for some hours .
12 It is only possible to assert that work begun with a lifting of the heart is likely to go on for longer than work begun with a contracting of the stomach , that work done with a lifting of the heart will develop further than work done with a contracting of the stomach , but there is nothing to indicate that the small amount of work which is the result of a contracting of the stomach will not be better than the large amount of work done with a lifting of the heart , than the rich development which is the likely result of work undertaken with a lifting of the heart , always bearing in mind , wrote Harsnet , and Goldberg , poring over the pages covered in his friend 's tiny handwriting , wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve , glanced up at the sheet in his typewriter , always bearing in mind , he typed ( as Harsnet had written ) , that better and worse are relative terms , and that one man 's better is another man 's worse , one age 's better is another age 's worse , one civilization 's better is another civilization 's worse , better , worse , relative values , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , always bearing in mind , wrote Harsnet , that in the long run it all comes to the same thing , long run , scribbled Goldberg in the margin , same thing .
13 As I said in an earlier chapter , the principle of speaking is not to go on for more than a few minutes without getting your audience to do something — applaud or laugh or raise their hands .
14 He cleaned up his act , quit taking uppers and downers with the help of his wife and the Betty Ford Clinic , and now looks set to go on for another 40 years .
15 The slump is likely to go on for another two years .
16 He 's got to go on for another ten lines , piling on more and more out of the way references to classical paradises so that he can give it all away for God .
17 Normally , the time is fifteen minutes , and for fifteen minutes it 's five fifty , so if you 've got a lot of hair , it 's quite coarse , it 's going to go on for several months .
18 It goes along for twelve months .
19 The prosecutor tells them that if they both confess they will go to jail for ten years ; if neither confesses they will get two years ; if only one confesses he ( the confessor ) will get just one year while his fellow prisoner goes down for 20 .
20 I voted for this government because they said they were n't going to go in for that sort of rubbish .
21 So I , I mean , I 've got to go in for that .
22 It was typical of Benjamin James , as it happens , to go in for such a touch of harmless sycophancy to please his friend the vicar ; he had very soon become , as we might have guessed , a respectable pillar of the Curry Rivel establishment .
23 At home he decided to go in for wholesale enclosures , encouraged his tenants to take long leases by reducing their rents , and instructed them in modern scientific methods .
24 Yes , Americans , erm I have the impression , they 're being rather slow to go in for this sort of Federal legislation .
25 In that way , we would increase national expenditure on training and the Secretary of State would not have to go in for these dictatorial measures .
26 New York drug dealers seem to go in for sophisticated marketing ploys .
27 ‘ The bright child who might possibly get nine GCSEs is going to be pushed to go in for more and more .
28 Was there ever a time when you had to go in for more drastic measures ?
29 There was a mini-rebellion about that just after the Police Strike and then they allowed policemen to go in for half an hour 's and eat breakfast .
30 Edwina , the worldly mother-in-law who goes in for interior decoration .
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