Example sentences of "go [adv] and come " in BNC.

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1 For the searcher who goes on and comes to believe , this is the only possible starting point — a sense of need which may range from a mild discomfort to a deep conviction , but which spurs him to look for a solution beyond himself .
2 That was hot , yes and th in between there used to be that 's where your furnace used to go in and come back and up out the chimney and that they put them the in there to heat the water quick you see and yet they ought to be , they had to be sliced out with a what they call a slice , cos they used to get furred up and we used to give them nineteen and sixpence for that to fill the boiler up again , we had t used to have take Pinmill and they used to have to come up to get fresh water into the anchor boat and we used to pump it up by hand , into the boiler .
3 So they asked me to go away and come back again in a week which gave me breathing space and time at least to learn it properly .
4 He said to go away and come back and see him in a year 's time . ’
5 He 's offered to go away and come up with incriminating evidence , Robert .
6 Why , you , he goes home and comes back full of the Scottish accent .
7 the whatsernames , so at least I can know whether to go home and come back
8 Because the Josephson junction has only two terminals — going in and coming out , like a diode — it would have to form part of a more complex circuit .
9 But perhaps it is better to avoid Rouen , the midday traffic going in and coming out is too much of a worry .
10 Oh yes , I knew where he was , even though I 'd been unconscious going in and coming out , because I 'd been there before .
11 No going in and coming out again , there is n't a problem .
12 going in and coming out
13 We had to keep going away and coming back again .
14 any more any more trouble even though she 's not getting into bad trouble as such it 's going off and coming home
15 And he says well , I can wait till tomorrow , better than going back and coming again .
16 Michael Roberts was duly entrusted with the steering in the Newmarket Classic , but his mount was never going well and came eighth .
17 I have n't stayed in for about two months , about eight weeks , not one night , and he goes , ‘ I think you should stay in at least one ’ , and I goes , ‘ If you think I 'm staying in then you get lost , because I 'm not staying in this flaming house ’ , and he goes , ‘ You 're staying when I tell you to ’ , and I goes , ‘ I wo n't ’ , and I walked out and came back ten minutes later and said , ‘ I 'm going out , all right ? ’ and he goes , ‘ Okay ’ , and he give me some money to go out and come up here [ to the youth club ] .
18 ‘ Somebody ought to go out and come in again with a lump of coal , ’ said Dora .
19 We can go down and come back specifically on the Monday .
20 Fierce Eyes went outside and came back excited .
21 Erm no seriously I think it really should n't take long , you 're quite right to sort this matter out but I think three people really should go away and come back with a suggestion or a couple of suggestions .
22 went away and came back and said oh Mr will see you in a minute and it turned out it was Sandra
23 Fraulein Winkelmann told him for the Good God 's sake to get the papers fast , and Bruno went away and came back and pointed the Luger yet again .
24 Go outside and come in , back in again .
25 You went from Street , if you went downstairs and come out the back road and cut across the square you were in Street .
26 Ian went off and came back with a box the same size as the ones that had been used for the train .
27 He went off and came back soon , dressed more appropriately for the street .
28 so I thought right , she said to me he 'd want a bottle , so come like ten past eleven , he 's like whinging , he 's drunk all his milk , then went up and come down and eat all his dinner and his pudding
29 But the truth to tell Sunday morning I went up and come in and Fred had his er cushion and Windy was fallen across it
30 If there were games to be played or work to be done or stories to be read it was always to Rachel that she would turn ; Rachel who went out and came in when she said she would and said ‘ yes ’ or ‘ no ’ , not from whim or temper , but with authority .
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