Example sentences of "what was [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Posters appeared in some villages advertising what was intended the next market day and calling on " one and all " to join in .
2 While it is certain that it was always possible to approach Napoleon III via a courtier , the real intermediaries between the Emperor and the outside world , in so far as it necessitated his personal intervention , were those employed in what was called the Civil Cabinet .
3 Two years ago , NASA at the last minute reneged on a joint venture with ESA to send two satellites to the Sun in what was called the International Solar/Polar Mission .
4 I suppose that I was influenced by the exploits of the great test pilots of the day , people like Peter Twiss , Neville Duke and John Derry , who were at the time just coming to grips with high-speed flight and what was called the ‘ sound-barrier ’ .
5 The lone watchman might , just possibly , be wandering around with an oil-can in hand but more probably was immersed in one of the lurid magazines with which what was called the engine-room library was so liberally stocked .
6 In those early days what seemed newsworthy was what was called the movie ‘ fever ’ .
7 The plates , original calotypes , were printed by Talbot 's assistants at what was called The Reading Establishment .
8 And er after that , my father went with the rounds with the collieries , where you had to belong to union to go to them , and Colliery did n't accept what was called the old union .
9 Men sat outside the cafés discussing business , chatting or playing briscola , a card game , as they sipped glasses of lambrusco , while we young girls walked up and down the main street and through the square on what was called the passeggiata , the promenade , hoping that we attracted the eyes of the boys who gathered in little groups .
10 First , in the communist societies , the assertion of basic civil and political rights was a major element in the programmes of the opposition movements , and such ideas were also widely diffused in the 1970s and 1980s in West European communist parties , in what was called the ‘ Eurocommunist ’ movement ( Ross , 1991 ) .
11 Another thing that drew her was what was called the ‘ power house ’ .
12 The Emperor had been born and would die in what was called the Galactic Paradise .
13 How it turned out was that we er , I was attending the , what was called the Secondary Modern School and we 'd moved premises from up to .
14 Er nearer the actual bus garage was what was called the depot office and the paying in room .
15 But erm , it was suggested about a year or so before I left , that I might take what was called The Gardeners Scholarship to erm The Royal College for the Blind , which in those days was at erm Upper Norwood S E nineteen and erm so erm I had no objections , I did n't , I did n't see any future at all in it anyway , but erm I took this erm scholarship examination , went up to the R N C to work erm some papers and to be interviewed and erm , much to my surprise they erm offered me one of these scholarships which was worth forty pounds a year for three years in the Commercial Department of the College which was an innovation really as erm primarily a College of Music for erm blind students and erm so off I went to the R N C of sixteen and erm did my three year course and got erm some R S A certificates and erm was reasonably successful I suppose I , perhaps I was n't as diligent as I should have been .
16 However , currency speculators flooded Israel 's capital market with foreign currency worth US$200,000,000 , driving the US dollar down against the shekel and causing what was called the " devaluation that never was " .
17 He did have ( and I know this as I was on his staff at the time ) some sympathy with Coastal Command in view of its flight in the Atlantic , particularly in the Western Approaches and more especially in what was called the " black pit " , this was an area in the Atlantic where the RAF could not give air cover to the convoys either from Ireland .
18 Each section would grab its particular portion of what was called the " Y " Form , the gunners would be briefed and tactics would be discussed .
19 None of the belligerents intended to fight what was called the second world war , they all entered into conflict , they all began er a rearmament programme with the idea of using violence as a means to secure lesser objectives .
20 Bed of what was called the hung bed .
21 There was a military precision about the grounds and gardens — this avenue , once lined with Dutch Elm lies to the north of the house … where a statue of the first duke overlooks his home — to the south , there was once what was called the military parterre garden — a formal gardens made up of box hedges and gravel walks — now long gone .
22 Early plans for what was called the finest waterfront site in Europe included a heritage centre , now nearly complete , and a leisure complex with bowling alley , cinemas , food stores and nightclub , none of which have been attracted to the site .
23 But you know we have to look beyond the first year or two , we have to look at what 's going to happen to that school over a much longer period of time , and quite frankly erm I would feel safer with erm what was called the big brother of the Local Authority .
24 Folly could n't understand what was taking the man so long .
25 Theologians pointed to what was dubbed the ‘ ugly broad ditch ’ of A D. Lessing , namely that ‘ accidental truths ’ of history can not be the basis of ‘ necessary truths of reason ’ .
26 But flustered John 's ordeal only ended when police went to investigate what was causing the two-mile tailback near Gateshead .
27 The expansion of the surface was what was causing the pebbles to move away from hers they were being carried along by the movement of the sheet .
28 In the middle of the night one of Kiku 's cats got in among the dogs and , when Burun got up to see what was causing the commotion , he found Suragai trying to save the animal .
29 They stood in a tight bunch and craned their necks to see what was causing the commotion .
30 The information gathered , together with Technology 's own research , enabled a clear picture to emerge of what was causing the poor performance and from that , action was taken to improve matters .
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