Example sentences of "what [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 What got in the press last week in fact was a few days late , it had all been sorted out .
2 One can only guess what became of the dogs of the town , for they were usually trained to guard their master 's property to the death .
3 And what became of the caretaker 's bitch ?
4 Another version of the same question is to ask what became of the ostlers , grooms , and blacksmiths as the horse gave way to the internal combustion engine .
5 An important part of the research process is to search through the literature and find what ideas similar to your own have been investigated in the past , and then by learning what became of the earlier ideas you can avoid their mistakes and build on the successes .
6 You may well ask what became of the Zionist terrorists after the British left ?
7 One wonders what became of the dispossessed .
8 ‘ But what became of the Kleibers ’ furniture — and the dinner-service ? ’
9 " What became of the others ? "
10 He told a parliamentary committee in 1840 that once the money was received and the Chinese buyer got his opium from the ships offshore , then it was the buyer 's business what became of the opium .
11 ‘ So what became of the girl ? ’
12 What became of the letter ? ’ he demanded .
13 In particular , it did not prevent Robert Hersant from creating , from 1950 and from nothing , what became by the 1980S France 's biggest newspaper publishing group -over 40 titles totalling over one quarter of the circulation of the regional dailies and over a third ( 38 per cent ( of the national daily press .
14 Because now one man , now another would produce some part of what became in the end the motion picture camera .
15 It has fallen to salaried professionals in universities , public record offices , the Business Archives Council , corporate bodies themselves — and the ‘ vanity press ’ — to salvage and conserve the tons of old papers explaining the historical context of what tumbled off the production line .
16 However there is still the problem of exactly what to include in the word list .
17 A major problem was what to include in the Bill and what to leave out .
18 In order to decide what to include in the questionnaire we drew first of all on issues which had emerged in the two case studies .
19 Yet it is sometimes easy to be dazzled by the well-intentioned enthusiasm of a Vicki Hearne , or by false philosophy , into misunderstanding or down-playing the differences , and because it comes naturally to us to say that both we and the dog are angry , or frightened , we conclude that what goes for the human must go for the animal , making certain allowances for sensuous and anatomical variations .
20 What goes for the mother goes for her brother also .
21 Do you know another way and what goes at the end what goes at the end of the sentence ?
22 Do you know another way and what goes at the end what goes at the end of the sentence ?
23 ‘ We are still drafting , and exactly what goes into the legislation has not been settled , ’ he said .
24 ( Moral : perceived success is what goes into the history books , not actual success . )
25 Recently many people have become more concerned about what goes into the food we eat .
26 If you want to know what goes into the scales , chords and intervals you use , the Note Tracker will give you all the information , instantly .
27 did you ever raise with him back in January nineteen eighty eight something that you and Mr had both raised before , namely that what goes into the brochure is not to be relied on you 've got to look at the solicitors correspondence , to interpret what is in the brochure , did you ? , did you ever raise that with Mr the solicitor 's correspondence ?
28 ‘ Its ‘ word of mouth ’ share is out of all proportion to its share of what goes into the mouth'
29 Cooper & Lybrand 's Mr Mole says : ‘ Haagen-Dazs has created a so-called super premium sector whose share of ‘ word of mouth ’ is out of all proportion to its share of what goes into the mouth . ’
30 You should always ask the questions , and that is another way that people will understand that you know what goes on the other side of the microphone .
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