Example sentences of "there does n't seem " in BNC.

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1 Critics seem to have it the other way round , so there 's a lot of stuff talked about me using different styles , but there does n't seem to be much said about whether it works , or whether it 's done with taste , or whether the end result is worth having .
2 Sometimes when a person comes home from work and there does n't seem to be anyone there to greet them , they will call out like the horse in the paddock .
3 There does n't seem to be any equivalent insult for a boy .
4 ‘ Well , there does n't seem to be anything wrong , ’ said Heather regretfully , standing on a five-barred gate and peering over the fields .
5 But there does n't seem any alternative .
6 There does n't seem to be any pastry left for her though ; what do you think we could do ?
7 What it means for the broader economy is that the current housing crisis is more serious than ever , and there does n't seem to be an end in sight .
8 Yet , as the champagne flows and the cheers resound , as diamonds and pearls shimmer on black dresses and white-gloved waiters slice their way through the crowd with continuous supplies of Bucks Fizz or just straight champagne , there does n't seem to be much love for particular MPs .
9 Expats are supposed to register in the constituency where they last lived , but there does n't seem to be much checking of bona fides .
10 One contributor pointed out that there does n't seem to be any very good reason for the bill .
11 But there does n't seem to be much in it for the peoples themselves .
12 There does n't seem to be a moment that goes by when I 'm not thinking about food .
13 There does n't seem to be any great love lost between Reed and Harris , and even now Harris says , ‘ Oliver and I have never met but I 'm a great admirer of his .
14 But Edward Carr , trade correspondent of The Economist , is not so sure : ‘ What 's worrying is that there does n't seem to be anyone in control any more .
15 In the short story there does n't seem to be that kind of time — for the characters to digest and integrate the surprise into their lives .
16 There does n't seem to be any inflammation or mucus and they seem healthy .
17 There does n't seem to me to be anything wrong with the school she 's in now . ’
18 There does n't seem to be much support for trying or even thinking about it .
19 But a Visionware official said ‘ there does n't seem to be much point shipping a 32-bit designed piece of software to run in a 16-bit environment .
20 Well I , I 've been on to world wom women 's committee and they assure me that they , the hospital says these tests should come through in a week , at the most three week 's , but you can phone them , so that certainly has improved , there does n't seem to be a back log .
21 There does n't seem to be much of it about , not even many DFs , so I 've been trying to stock up lately .
22 " There does n't seem to be so much to tell , " said Clara .
23 Yes Chairer , why do n't we pat ourselves on our , on the back about this it would it be useful i in in the the report , a further report that 's gon na come forward if there could be some indication as to actual format that was adopted when a person goes to one of his welfare panels , cos I 've been to three and there does n't seem to be any consistency whatsoever in the way that things occur or whatever !
24 They have fairly regularly staged , what you might call bigger bands who play the university circuit as such and they 're always , you know , dying for people to come along so there 'll , th there 'll be lists published at what time , what events are on at these places if you wan na go and do that and if you wan na go to the top notch bands , Birmingham 's a good venue for that with the Leisure Centre , the M I A the N E C , the K G B etcetera etcetera all that stuff there so there 's always plenty to do , do n't , do n't feel restricted just cos we 're in er the middle of the city centre in this college and there does n't seem a lot to do , there 's a lot going on .
25 Because there does n't seem to have been ever any er revolution that was initiated by working classes .
26 There does n't seem much point , ’ said Preston .
27 Hugh said , ‘ There does n't seem to be anyone here . ’
28 there does n't seem to be any sense to it really but you can try and make a bit of sense out of some of it not all of it but some of it you can make a bit of sense out of it yes .
29 There does n't seem to be any emphasis on rehabilitation or help in any respect .
30 ‘ If things had gone differently , I 'd thought of extending my holiday , but now there does n't seem much point .
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