Example sentences of "there [was/were] the same " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , when anaesthesia , for example , was first introduced , there were the same debates as there are now over the care of VLBW babies , about its experimental nature and the long- and short-term effects of using it .
2 There were the same farm houses and the same people on bicycles moving along the roads .
3 before hand there were the same designated police officer of the same specialized suites , things have changed and they have changed for the better .
4 These relative numbers indicate that the three planets were exposed to populations of small bodies in which there were the same relative numbers of bodies with various masses .
5 Bringing a copy of this picture to the instrument for comparison only served to show how right these first impressions were ( illus.2 ) : there were the same keys , the characteristically carved end-blocks , the lockboard batten and the nicely rounded crown on the spine adjacent , the colour of the veneer , the same stop knob in the same place — and leaning against this harpsichord the most revered of all ‘ English ’ composers , Handel himself !
6 In the 1920s , when astronomers began to look at the spectra of stars in other galaxies , they found something most peculiar : there were the same characteristic sets of missing colours as for stars in our own galaxy , but they were all shifted by the same relative amount toward the red end of the spectrum .
7 There were the same satisfactions of seeing a job well-finished and the same frustrations when the machines refused to function .
8 There was the same combination that I had seen before : collected in groups that seemed threatening because you were not part of them , and between these bright areas black , empty alleys full of odd forebodings .
9 There was the same turbine house , but there were also huge plastic multi-coloured geodesic domes covering steam taps , pipes leaking noxious gas and a general weirdness .
10 Bedpans had gone from earthenware to papier-mâché , bottles had progressed from glass to plastic , but there was the same kindly welcome , much the same decor except that the photo of George VI had been replaced by a poster on the etiquette of urinating .
11 There was the same mission to conquer land with gold replacing milk and honey , a wagon-train exodus , a plethora of heroes with a policy of taking an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth .
12 Laboratory experiments comparing " dreamers " with " non-dreamers " have shown that there is little difference between these groups in their EEG/EOG patterns while asleep.3,4 In all subjects there was the same orderly sequence of sleep stages , with REM sleep periods recurring at about 90-minute intervals throughout the night .
13 After 1914 there was the same certainty about the war , and it was indeed the inflexible determination of the Unionist party , sure about ends and pragmatic as to means , that was the bedrock on which Britain 's war effort rested .
14 There was the same gap between understanding and the possibility of action when I read Simone de Beauvoir 's The Second Sex just before leaving university .
15 Again there was the same kind of voice : ‘ Wheee … wheee …
16 There was the same terrible light and the fear .
17 He repeated the query , substituting biscuit , ice-cream , banana ; there was the same level of response , but nothing more .
18 There was the same note , the same feeling of hard comradeship that Forester had shown once before towards Carson , back in Langstone .
19 There was the same huge stone behind .
20 There was the same round open window , the same absence of any marks on the panes or sill .
21 Can you imagine opening a daily newspaper , and finding that on every page , there was the same message from God ; or can you imagine watching breakfast TV — or listening to the Today programme — and finding that every feature was a message from God , with different emphases , but always the same message .
22 There was the same impossibly perfect shine on the vinyl-tiled floors , the same echoing clunk as the lift began its smooth acceleration up the shaft , the same clean yet sometimes over-strong smell of lemon disinfectant , the same sense of drama and importance overlaid by the deceptive tranquillity of the wards .
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