Example sentences of "there [be] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Problems are most likely to arise for older workers where work is at a fast continuous pace , fixed at a pace suited to younger workers and over which the worker has no control , or where there are other time pressures .
2 There are certain time limits on the making of changes .
3 On the other hand , there are various time deposits that earn interest in banks , building societies and the National Savings Bank which are used by the public as an alternative means of holding money that is used for expenditure purposes .
4 There are strict time limits : generally , six years from when damage first occurred ; where the damage was initially ‘ latent ’ you are given longer — three years from when you could have discovered it , with a longstop of 15 years .
5 Instead , local legislation in various local authority areas imposed such obligations , and there were varying time limits as to flow soon before the date of the proposed procession notice was required .
6 This makes it possible only to use one part if there is limited time available .
7 In my position you soon learn that football has only one certainty , that at the end of ninety minutes the final whistle blows unless there is extra time .
8 The rate at which the angle is changed must depend on the speed at the time , and this has to be judged because there is insufficient time to check the ASI .
9 However , training is the tool that may enable greater awareness of NACAB policies and their relevance ; through training both the long-term aims of the association and the immediate aims of the adviser might be achieved , but conflict arises when there is insufficient time for both .
10 Whatever their state of readiness and interest , each lesson is a constant stream of decision-making , and of matters of judgement , both large and small , about situations that are unprecedented , and for which there is insufficient time and usually not enough available information to be sure of getting it right .
11 For this reason , machine-cut trial trenches are most commonly used on sites where there is insufficient time for more careful methods .
12 Unfortunately , in some situations there is insufficient time to j complete a rescue excavation and the work may i have to be continued as a salvage operation .
13 There is insufficient time for the land to recover between cultivations and , largely through the agency of western man , exotic weeds become established and encroach on the smallholdings .
14 If there is insufficient time to go to court the police may be asked to exercise their powers of protection under s46 of the Act to prevent a child 's removal ( see Chapter 13 , 1 ) .
15 Where there is insufficient time to do either a local authority may rely on its power under s3(5) of the Act to " do what is reasonable in all the circumstances of the case for the purpose of safeguarding or promoting the child 's welfare " .
16 They become entangled in such a way that it is very rare for any to wriggle free , and while there is ample time to collect them at relative leisure they should nonetheless be collected as quickly as possible .
17 The point of this simple experiment is to show you that although there are only 168 hours in a week there is ample time for private study provided you are prepared to organise your life .
18 the belief that there is adequate time to search and deliberate before a decision is made .
19 Ideally this type of assessment begins when the patient is admitted to hospital so that there is adequate time for planning if special arrangements have to be made prior to the patient going home .
20 There is just time and I will make a start .
21 Election Comment : Albany at Large : Bring back Tebbit THERE is just time for the Tories to take the direction of the election out of the hands of a lot of Central Office schoolboys and to make Norman Tebbit their supremo .
22 There is just time to lift the curtain and peep out at the scene in the street , then to dash upstairs , stand on the bathroom stool and see what the picture is like from that angle .
23 There is just time to apply a coat before the winter weather really sets in .
24 There is just time for enthusiasts to capture the evocative scenes on film and video from carriage and trackside before it 's too late .
25 There is just time for some words of warning .
26 Advice on time-zone transitions depends very much upon the kind of journey being made , so we consider the following possibilities : • A flight crossing only a few ( one or two ) time zones ; • A flight crossing several time zones , ( to the west or east ) and when the stop-over , before returning home , is short ; • A flight crossing several time zones to the west where there is sufficient time and need for adjustment to the new time zone ; • A flight as in the last example , but to the east .
27 Also , you must ensure that there is sufficient time and resources for them to have a reasonable likelihood of success .
28 Some plants can compensate for quite heavy infestations provided there is sufficient time , and weather conditions remain favourable .
29 Absolutely right , and Lindsay said the same , you know , because there is sufficient time for the tour operators to get their act together now and promote the holidays , and given the British tradition , you know , we they will take their holiday , I 'm pretty sure .
30 Crocker had to fly back to the USA the following day , so there was limited time to convert John Allison with the airshow being held the following day .
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