Example sentences of "all [Wh pn] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Adonis Attis Osiris , Frazer saw the goddess Mefitis as personifying ‘ mephitic vapours ’ and described her temple ‘ where the exhalations … were of so deadly a character that all who set foot on the spot died ’ .
2 I did , for the first time in 1979 , when we spent a family fishing holiday in the Hebrides ; and we have been returning regularly ever since , constantly drawn back by the magic spell the Outer Hebrides cast over all who set foot upon her romantic shores .
3 The finished recording , by all accounts , is a credit to all who took part .
4 1991 — 92 was not as successful as previous years in terms of membership but was none the less enjoyed by all who took part .
5 The game was enjoyed by all who took part as was the post-match hospitality supplied by the Borders team .
6 THE GREAT Yarmouth Marketing Initiative 's [ GYMI ] , go-Kart Grand Prix , held on 21 April , proved to be an evening of great entertainment for all who took part .
7 1991–92 was not as successful as previous years in terms of membership but was none the less enjoyed by all who took part .
8 The assessors wish to record their thanks to all who took part in what has been , as always , an enjoyable , educational , entertaining , informative , and character-building exercise .
9 Thank you to all who took part in the discussion , your views will be presented to the Executive Committee who will then make decisions concerning our future plans .
10 All who knew Victor respected him both for his depth of knowledge of VAT , particularly in the land and property area , and for the innate wisdom and common sense he showed in advising his many friends and clients .
11 She flushed , feeling a surge of friendliness towards this seemingly ruthless man who showed unexpected compassion towards a small , helpless creature at the mercy of all who carried guns .
12 But in fact the Forest wardens in the thirteenth century exacted cheminage from all who carried wood and charcoal through their bailiwicks .
13 A must for all who know B.C. or may have visited the area and to anyone interested in the many facets of rural life as it was in years gone by ( ISBN 0951596403 , price £5.95 ) .
14 I say supposedly , for as all who know Turhan Bey understand , everything is connected on the spiritual plane .
15 This restricted freedom revolted Steven Morrissey , and his passion turned to the sixties when the ‘ George Best set ’ particularly liberated the city by proving that escapism is there for all who had eyes enough to avoid entrapment .
16 However , from the South Wales study , it does seem that not all those living at home do register , and not all who register vote .
17 We pray for all those killed each day in wars , disasters and accidents throughout the world ; for prisoners of conscience ; and all who suffer torture , starvation or maltreatment ; and for Martin John Hughes and Etheldreda Castle , whose anniversaries fall at this time of the year .
18 We pray for all those killed each day in wars , disasters and accidents throughout the world ; for prisoners of conscience ; and all who suffer torture , starvation or maltreatment ; and for Charles and Catherine Ellul , Bernard Murphy , Thomas Connolly , Kathleen Donohue , Betty Butler , Michael Sweeny , James Flood , Helen Anonuevo , and all whose anniversaries fall at this time of the year .
19 We pray for all those killed each day in wars , disasters and accidents throughout the world ; for prisoners of conscience ; and all who suffer torture , starvation or maltreatment ; and for Mary Wyse and Alfred Osborne , and all whose anniversaries fall at this time of the year .
20 We pray for all those killed each day in wars , disasters and accidents throughout the world ; for prisoners of conscience ; and all who suffer torture , starvation or maltreatment ; and for Harold Pollard , Jack Shaw , Rose O'Neill , Ellen Steen , Rosaleen Cook , and all whose anniversaries fall at this time of the year .
21 We pray for all those killed each day in wars , disasters and accidents throughout the world ; for prisoners of conscience ; and all who suffer torture , starvation or maltreatment ; and for all whose anniversaries fall at this time of the year .
22 We pray for all those killed each day in wars , disasters and accidents throughout the world ; for prisoners of conscience ; and all who suffer torture , starvation or maltreatment ; and for Sally Steepe , Mary Eames , Amelia Reeves , Mary Tulley , Ellen Beddard , William Thomas Russell , Fergus O'Connor , Hannah Hartnett , and all whose anniversaries fall at this time of the year .
23 The words of the man in the pub came back to him , crowding out his thoughts , rising up to his face like a blush of shame : ‘ All who serve Malik will die .
24 It behoves all who wish journalists and broadcasters to enjoy " rights " to acknowledge that others have valid claims to legal protection as well — to lead a private life , to undergo a trial free from sensational prejudice , and to have false accusations corrected with the same prominence as they are made .
25 Not all who reach midlife have parents still living , and those who do may not be on such happy terms with them .
26 And then he remembered the piercing coldness of the Knife of Light slicing deep into his body , and the Lad 's evil greedy eyes and grinning mouth , and he knew that he was not dying , that this could be worse than death , for he was to suffer the soulless existence of all who become victims of the Knife of Light .
27 It was in fact , ‘ by no means a bare collection of what was scattered in the former … but a performance so well designed and so well executed , … very acceptable to all who make gardening either their profession or diversion. ,
28 This was its justification : ‘ All who make war seek through war to arrive at a peace more perfect than existed before war . ’
29 The experience of watching my late husband 's 16-year fight against the degenerative effects of Parkinson 's disease ( one of those conditions which might one day benefit from embryo research ) causes me to write this letter in the hope that all who take part in the debates will recognise and confound these tactics of the anti-abortion pressure groups , quite rightly described by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service as ‘ an attempt to hijack government legislation ’ .
30 A curriculum which facilitates the shared experience will enable an integrated education for all who take part in it .
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