Example sentences of "all [vb base] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Godly sorrow , gratitude , humility , mercy , joy , thankfulness , love — all communicate the pulse beat of the believer 's heart in the light of the good news of Jesus Christ .
2 Daly , Frye and Millett all stress the way in which women have been subject to the power of men .
3 All stress the role of grace and man 's total dependence upon God for salvation : they point out that good works are not the result of human will-power but are in some mysterious way the actions of God himself .
4 This means that they all perceive the world in slightly different ways .
5 These small animals all eat the algae and infusoria which naturally colonise the tub .
6 er we all hate the school and if we all hate the school , no wonder no girls are coming .
7 er we all hate the school and if we all hate the school , no wonder no girls are coming .
8 They all rub the soap on the dolls and rub and rub them , then splash up the water till the soap ‘ comes off ’ .
9 Rent and rate rebates , tax relief to owner-occupiers , and exchequer subsidies to local authorities for housing purposes all make a contribution .
10 There may be , as Paul Hirst claims , different tests for truth in the various forms of knowledge , but at least those different corpuses of knowledge all make a contribution to the total sum of knowledge .
11 But always there is the implication that , ‘ we all make a bit on the side … know what I mean ? ’ .
12 I think if you all make a mess you should be severely reprimanded quite frankly expect other people to come round and pick up your mess .
13 Erm they all make a salt .
14 And they all make a bee-line for the famous phone box , calling whatever part of the world they come from , no matter what the time difference is . ’
15 Right they all make the salt , they all make it in the same way Hydrochloric acid would make ?
16 The qualities of gold ; rich hues which last forever , versatility and strength , eternal value , all make the gift of gold one to treasure .
17 the , the , the implication is always erm that you 've got to make some sort of choice between do we get the social change first , which gives rise to a different kind of people , better people , or do we first of all change the people so that they 're capable of making a better world and of course it 's a catch twenty two , is n't it ?
18 Ray , Rock and Lovelidge all deny the charges .
19 Evans , White and Stroud all deny the charges .
20 There may be a large number of models of the universe with different initial conditions that all obey the laws .
21 the proletarian party must first of all advocate the proclamation and immediate realization of the complete freedom of secession from Russia of all the nations and peoples who were oppressed by Tsarism , or who were forcibly joined to or forcibly kept within the boundaries of the State .
22 The work of the former on jus cogens , the Draft Code of Offences against Mankind , and the concept of an international State crime and the consequences of the commission thereof all develop the concept of obligations owed to the international legal community , and possible third party responses to violation .
23 Chairman , may I first of all declare an interest in this .
24 Age , employment and social status all influence the possession of driving licences .
25 As Table 8.2 shows , there are many silvicultural techniques that can improve productivity ; all influence the structure of forests and are thus agents of environmental change .
26 When he has returned to his place they all repeat the oath in unison .
27 They all suffer the symptoms .
28 They all expect the Government 's public sector borrowing requirement to rise in the coming financial year to anywhere between £40 billion and £55 billion , and interest rates by the end of 1993 to range from 4.5 per cent to the current 6 per cent .
29 They all expect the Government 's public sector borrowing requirement to rise in the coming financial year to anywhere between £40 billion and £55 billion , and interest rates by the end of 1993 to range from 4.5 per cent to the current 6 per cent .
30 These two techniques , and the addition of steel side or cross-rods respectively to strengthen individual beams or entire joisted floors at mid-span , all involve the substitution of metal for overstressed wood in the part of the member that is subject to tensile stress .
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