Example sentences of "all [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For an unpretentious suburban Gasthof it was all rather a surprise .
2 It was all rather a relief .
3 At the end he asked me about myself , curtly , as if it was all rather a bore .
4 No , no , no , wait a minute , wait a minute , let me think , this was somewhere , do n't forget they come from all over the bloody country the South of England Show erm , this scrumpy was all somewhere a bit farther north , Cotswolds or
5 I do not agree that such a postmodern attack on autonomous and auratic culture is at all necessarily an offensive against ‘ bourgeois ’ art .
6 ‘ They 'd just started walking down a narrow street outside the club when all suddenly a taxi hit Michael and knocked him down .
7 It seems reasonable that they should share the cost of what is after all only a system of humane debt collection acting on their behalves .
8 He started to smile , teasing me , and for the second time I was convinced that someone would flourish it back to existence , that it was all only a game .
9 I return again to the point that I made originally — why is it that this vulnerable , waif-like , often frighteningly naive girl who always speaks her mind — but is after all only a pop singer — is taken seriously at all ?
10 It was all only an excuse .
11 ‘ I threw them all away a couple of weeks ago as soon as I came across that letter from Parkin , ’ Lancaster murmured .
12 ‘ But it 's all just a coincidence ! ’ said Angalo .
13 The ironic thing about the film was that it was n't different at all just a rehash of the best TV sketches .
14 The shops , Marina and Conference Centre are all just a stroll away .
15 It 's all just a myth .
16 So what about the retro space-cadet '70s image — hipsters and plastic zap guns , is n't it all just a bit comic-strip ?
17 Meanwhile , a self-declared ring-leader , Paul Taylor , shouting from the roof tops , has claimed that it was all just a sit-in protest that got out of control .
18 One is that it is n't all just a question of the Scottish hierarchy being thralled to Rome in such a way that it can not do what it wants .
19 Helen replied enigmatically that it was all just a question of experience .
20 Ruth was beginning to feel it was all just a dream ; part of her mind felt detached , quite separate from her body .
21 It was all just a moment 's mental aberration !
22 Maybe it was all just a game to him , these stirring pulses and loaded glances , and chemical reactions .
23 But he was n't frightened , because he knew that it was all just a joke , a little comedy of the kind fathers like to play with their sons .
24 If it is all just a matter of philosophy , then anyone can voice an opinion on it , and there may be differing views of what ‘ humanity ’ consists of behind it all .
25 The trouble is my theory 's looking shakier all the time because McDunn 's convinced me it really was all just a smoke-screen : there is no Ares project , never was any Ares project , and Smout in his prison in Baghdad is n't connected to the guys that died ; it was just somebody coming up with a clever conspiracy theory , just a way of getting me to go to remote places and wait for phone calls and deprive me of an alibi while gorilla man did something horrible to somebody else somewhere else .
26 It was all just a sort of angry joke because the rest of the gang , and Ashton in particular , would n't agree with him about the best way to fill holes in .
27 Doubtless it 's all just a safety precaution and will come to nothing .
28 As far as much of the rest of the world is concerned , we 're all just a bunch of queers .
29 ‘ We 're all just a bunch of crazies , ’ being one of them .
30 Did they really cope so well in a man 's world , or was it all just an act ?
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