Example sentences of "all [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The stone castle was only developed at all widely in the eleventh century , when the large keep , fort and dwelling-house in one , of which the Tower of London is a particularly fine example , came into fashion among men of exceptional wealth .
2 ‘ So you see , what with the Church never keeping adequate records and relying on the personal network all the time and the patronage system doing the same but relying on a different network , we 're all rather in the dark . ’
3 All rather like a battlefield . ’
4 It is all rather like the trial in Alice in Wonderland — sentence first , verdict afterwards .
5 It 's all rather like an old-fashioned gypsy caravan .
6 Gray 's Anatomy , however , eclipsed all others , partly for its meticulous detail , partly for its emphasis on surgical anatomy , but most of all perhaps for the excellence of the illustrations , based on drawings by H. V. Carter , who assisted Gray with the dissections , and engraved by Messrs Butterworth & Heath with remarkable skill .
7 All alone on the snowy contour-couch , she clung to the thought that she was going to comfort the spiders ; to twine the jewelled rain of her meanings through the web of their unfulfilment .
8 The village took its name from the Roman road or straet known as the Gartree Road which passes close to the little limestone church of St Giles that now stands all alone on the skyline .
9 Damian 's gone to work and I 'm bored all alone at the villa with nothing to do . ’
10 There once was a bear , an ugly and deformed creature , who hit from the world and lived all alone in a wood .
11 But what would happen to Twoflower , all alone in a city where even the cockroaches had an unerring instinct for gold ?
12 Then perhaps you 'll be happy — all alone in a kingdom of ice . ’
13 All alone in the big city … there are 380 reported assaults a year on the Tube , and 16,000 other crimes Saturday , 12.10 pm , Piccadilly Circus .
14 Wearing his very best clothes and shoes , he had played all alone in the pouring rain while she and a balding detective discussed important business behind the steamy windows of a police car .
15 ‘ And me all alone in the house since my son went to England .
16 ‘ The rich Miss Havisham who lives all alone in the big house in town ? ’ asked Joe .
17 It was about a week later and my leathers were still a little ruffled after the grating incident when I saw him sitting all alone in the waiting room .
18 ‘ I found him all alone in the busy streets of Liverpool , ’ Mr Earnshaw explained to them , ‘ and I could n't leave him to die .
19 Rather like a pressed flower , all alone in the world . "
20 Oh , look at me , thought Marion , look at me , all alone in the kitchen with the man of my dreams .
21 Tom , all alone in the icy fields , furrows of water , leaves of mist clinging to the metal branches of the rig , ice forming on the huge bolts and nails , on all the sharp edges open to the sky .
22 Here she was , all alone in the wildly romantic snow-covered Scottish mountains with a man most women would give their eye-teeth simply to be in the same room with , and her only wish was to get away from him .
23 But suddenly there was something of a puff of smoke and I found myself standing all alone in the alleyway with what might well be metaphorical egg all over my kisser .
24 And all alone by the looks of it .
25 He gathered them all together with a quick look round .
26 Morning chats introduce the options ; righting drill , tailchasing in Lasers , knotting with spinnakers , knitting with trapeze wires , tacking Hobie cats , and threading it all together with a local regatta .
27 The fragmented narrative cultivated by Vargas Llosa , for example , is intended to replicate the way in which we experience real life , in that events and information are presented to us in a disjointed fashion and it is only when we have lived through the reading experience that we are able to piece it all together with the benefit of hindsight .
28 They used to have walks did n't they , all together with the dogs ?
29 All Together for the Dawn Chorus
30 Anyway , one morning the Commandant called them all together on the parade ground .
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