Example sentences of "all [prep] which [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 But it is also about the unstable evolution both of homo erectus and his culture , all of which may be a vast illusion if what man does is simply continue his savagery while trying to repeat faint echoes of some suspect original grandeur .
2 All of which may appear to be fairly straightforward , but to connect four musicians in such a short time with a combined objective and musical compatibility is no mean feat .
3 These include an effect on gastric emptying and intestinal transit time , the reduction of intraluminal pressure and colonic faecal transit , all of which may alter central blood pressure regulation via afferent nerves from the gastrointestinal tract ( Anderson , 1981 ) .
4 The five cases have been chosen to provide examples of different types of problems commonly found among self-poisoning patients , all of which may be tackled using a brief treatment approach with problem-solving as its central theme .
5 These plants , part or all of which may cause ill effects , can all be found in this country .
6 Anyway , Europe boasts a variety of approaches to this tax even the number of VAT periods varies by country — all of which may potentially need accommodating by any accounting system claiming to be pan-European .
7 Scientists face a constant struggle to segregate themselves from the inducements offered by governments , pressure groups and publishers , all of which may provide alternative sources of funding and prestige to those of their colleagues .
8 In modern times , people have looked to many different aspects of human activity as sources of conflict , not all of which may be seen as appropriate to medieval societies .
9 The secret is the human voice — at once intimate and personal to you — much more magic in a way than the announcer on TV backed by his hi-tech coloured images flashing across the screen or pictures of the events being described — all of which may actually lessen the feeling of personal involvement .
10 Graded assessment , referred to as " Graduated tests " in the Cockcroft Report , has a number of features associated with it , some or all of which may be found in existing schemes .
11 This was broadly speaking the approach adopted in Chapter 2 , and it led to a model which located each discipline somewhere in a three-dimensional space , defined by its object , stance and mode , all of which may vary over time .
12 The third is the growth of modular-credit schemes reinforced by a shift from student grants to loans , from full-time to part-time study , from young to mature entrants , all of which may have an impact — though one difficult to discern — on the breadth and structure of studies .
13 In Europe police organisation is hierarchical , centralised and supervised by the government , all of which may account for the tendency to rely on police investigations while , at the same time , declining to constrain them by the kind of normative rules we find in Anglo-American law .
14 Well-known examples are the cliffs of Pleistocene deposits on the east coast and the cliffs of Tertiary beds and coombe rock on the south coast , all of which may contain rounded flint material .
15 The elements which bring language to life in a classroom are gestures , handling and touching things , incidents , pictures , some or all of which may be part of a game or a contest .
16 There are three General degrees in the faculty , all of which may be awarded with Distinction .
17 The precise characterisation of this agent awaits further study but it is clear that most patients with NSAID enteropathy have normal 1 4 C glyocholate breath tests , urinary indicans , and vitamin B 1 2 absorption , all of which may be affected in non-specific intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndromes .
18 Furthermore , small bowel enteroscopy in patients taking NSAIDs has confirmed the abnormalities in the mid small bowel , which range from erythematous blebs and villus atrophy to frank ulceration , all of which may bleed .
19 This may be quite legitimate in cases where it is possible to use one module with any one or more modules , all of which may be referred to in loose coupling relations but only one may need to be called up from within the package .
20 Indeed in recent years the CNAA have suggested that the term ‘ non-standard ’ should no longer be used , since this implies a standard from which other students are deviating ; instead we should be considering a range of qualifications , all of which may be suitable as preparations for entry to higher education .
21 All of which may cut little ice in the Central South area .
22 They recommended full lime and phosphate subsidies being re-introduced , retaining the application of the Sheepmeat Regime and Suckler Cow Premium in the LFA , encouraging more take-up of grant schemes , raising all AHGS grants to 70% and extending their scope , payment of existing HLCA levels in the ‘ disadvantaged ’ LFA extension and others , all of which would seriously exacerbate the conflict .
23 All of which would produce rueful sighs among the backers of a small Cornish mine called Wheal Concord .
24 Above all , the three-part test of obscenity adopted by the Court in 1966 was strengthened , laying down three essential conditions , all of which would have to be satisfied in every case :
25 All of which would make for a rave review , were it not for the fact that , for all their charm , the Jays ' every move oozes lamentable irrelevance .
26 The concept obviously implied certain practical requirements : regulated markets , allocation of materials , production targets , manpower planning — all of which would be operated through some structure of planning machinery .
27 The scheme would apply to works of art , collector 's items and antiquities ; it would not apply to precious metals and stones nor to works supplied by their authors or inheritors , all of which would pay VAT on the full selling price .
28 Sources say that other documents and depositions of Barnes trustees reveal much more manoeuvring on Lincoln 's behalf , all of which would be illegal .
29 As with fundholding the committees ' responsibilities would include collection and analysis of information , assessment of needs , service specification , negotiation and monitoring of contracts , all of which would be carried out in partnership with the purchasing authority .
30 All of which would have been bad enough without Charlotte 's final revelation .
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