Example sentences of "if they go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If they went on seeing each other , would they not eventually produce the same complicatedly beautiful pattern of commitment as her friends had ?
2 But if they went on meeting every day , their relationship must develop : he could not stop himself .
3 If they went again to that place and what they 've and got the same things ?
4 ‘ I went away and left him ’ , now even if they went , went away and left and , because they had to bring the children home , or if they went away and left him because they knew it was the best thing for everyone concerned , because the foreign office wants as many people , we all need as many people to get out of the area as possible ; their guilt will be huge .
5 The atmosphere is bad and British sailors could get caught up in the bad feeling if they went ashore , ’ said the Ark Royal 's captain , John Brigstocke .
6 At the time of the lobby revolt , ‘ No one could have been in any doubt that if they went over to [ the rebel papers ' ] side , they would cook their goose with Number Ten . ’
7 Public sector negotiators knew the consequences if they went over that limit , though in practice the Treasury might relent a little with groups like nurses and fund part of the extra settlement .
8 But I mean , the Isle of Wight if they went straight after the reception they would n't they would n't get there till Sunday .
9 She sometimes thought that if they went somewhere hot and beachy as most people did — the Seychelles , the Maldives , the Caribbean — they would spend the whole day swimming or sunbathing .
10 On Nov. 22 the CSM cancelled a meeting after Cossiga had failed to approve the meeting 's agenda and had instead threatened to have the magistrates arrested if they went ahead with the session .
11 What I said at the last committee was I merely advised the committee that if they went ahead in this current financial year that the grant would not be available .
12 Helen Kimble would lose her home if they went ahead .
13 At that point , they decided it would be best for everyone if they went home .
14 It might be needed if they went out for the day .
15 Even if they went out the league they 'd get that number .
16 They would n't be able to afford to keep the ground on if they went out
17 I do n't know if they went about with her .
18 Well , I think , I do n't know if they went back to the pits and sort of left , but he did n't want to stay there and and got this job as a gamekeeper .
19 Because if they went back they 'd have to have the electric chair and they do n't want the electric chair or the , cos that 's what they think cos they 've done so much .
20 I mean them kids would be over the moon if they went there .
21 Them kids would be over the moon if they went there Euro Disney .
22 But typewriters we had problems with because , if they went in for repair , you never got them back from the Ordinance Core , and so at one place in Tunbridge Wells we handed a typewriter in and because the army were allowed to buy greaseproof paper , we bought a lot of greaseproof paper which came in the package of a new typewriter .
23 But they should put in little sort of qualifications like er er they gave people land and if they went off to fight then it would be guaranteed that the land would be tilled .
24 If they went for a drink everybody was calling them scabs and if they went anywhere then , some some had their cars sprayed with paint and oh they had everything done , they were all against them .
25 It would be seven and sixpence for the consultation if they went down to the surgery .
26 Er , I hoped I 'd made clear that if the profits of Pearsons erm er not only if they went down but even if er , there was only a small erm , increase in earnings per share er next year that the the directors ' salaries would be very considerably reduced and I thought I 'd already made that erm , er , directors ' erm remuneration total take home pay would be considerably reduced thought I 'd already made that point .
27 If Englishmen in America were to push on to the west , it was fairly predictable that there would be clashes with the thinly scattered Indian population , and it was quite certain that if they went far enough either west or north they would meet the French .
28 It would be a tragedy if they went under .
29 If shares go down you get your money back , and if they go up you get some of the profits .
30 if they go up erm the government now wan na
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