Example sentences of "if they have [det] " in BNC.

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1 I tell them I 'm the Conductor , tell them where my office is , tell them if they 've any problems to bring them to me . ’
2 We 've yet to find out if they 've any sail-makin' facilities here at all .
3 I think we could do with doing like we said and asking St. Edwards if they 've any .
4 There 's still probably a lot more people thought who saw things out there , and we 'd still like them to contact us at Cowley if they 've any information as to who the offenders are .
5 I mean they cut in through Manchuria down the north to , to , across to north China plain , had taken the cities on the eastern seaboard which was what they wanted , I mean th th they really was n't any point in controlling the rural south , it would have taken so many troops , so much administration if they 'd that then they had everything they wanted from the trading ports so there was n't that Japanese presence and so the clearly was different .
6 ( Or : At first it did n't look as if they had much in common . )
7 I consider that it could only be of assistance to them if they had that foundation with which to commence their overview of the requirements of the case and the discharge of their statutory duty under the Children Act 1989 .
8 He must have been wondering what had happened to his Sunday dinner , if they had such a thing in Joy 's house .
9 His kiss was leisurely as if they had all the time in the world to explore each other , and he could afford to wait for her response , confident in his own powers of arousing it .
10 He kissed her again , his lips lingering on hers as if they had all the time in the world .
11 Sixty two only , you know , not that long after the War had ended and to the lament that nobody got killed you know you might have had more chances e of success if they had all got killed .
12 Long ago , near the beginning of things , when the earth was almost all covered in forest , God sent down the angel Gabriel to see how people were getting along , and if they had enough to eat .
13 I did go down to my local Citizens ' Advice Bureau to see if they had any ideas , but all they could do was pass on the news that there was a squeeze on the social fund ( the emergency payments fund ) , so I was well advised not to expect too much if I did decide to try the social security people .
14 If they had any understanding or decency in them , they 'd die and leave you in peace .
15 ‘ We always tried to talk somewhat in codes , ’ he said , remembering Calero talking to North about arms on a pay-phone from San Francisco , ‘ so whoever was listening would n't quite be able to understand it ; but if they had any common sense , they probably could . ’
16 One could detect a purr of satisfaction when John Major replied that actually some other European countries made rather a mess of things : that Belgium had taken 100 days to form a government ; that the Italian political system was a disaster and the French one not much better ; and that , if they had any sense , they would copy the way we do things .
17 The key leaders of NICRA arrived late , after the march had already started ; if they had any plans for preventing a clash with the police , they were unable to put them into operation .
18 I will not suppose them guilty of a direct intention of striking us , particularly if they had any idea of the danger of such a proceeding , for the cliff rose much more than a hundred feet above us , and even a very small stone would have fatal effect by striking the head .
19 We circulated a letter to various individuals in the field asking if they had any unpublished records we might need .
20 If they had any reservations about the amenities he was so tastelessly flaunting , it was only to ask themselves what his profit margin must be if he could afford this stuff .
21 She had introduced herself on the doorstep , often been invited in and asked the tenants to let her know if they had any problems with which she could help .
22 The mining conglomerate , the government service organisation , the wines and spirits company and the industrial investment group simply answered ‘ No ’ when asked if they had any poaching-prevention plans .
23 In a general practice in north Edinburgh , between 1987 and 1989 , 265 injecting drug users were asked if they had any children and , if so , when they had been born and where they were currently living .
24 The Irishmen , if they had any cattle left , used to drive them into the street ; and they 'd carry on bargaining with the farmers under a street lamp ; and when the police came along they 'd move further on to another lamp until they 'd sold all their cattle . ’
25 All the servants in the Square knew one another ; and Nellie , the cook that worked with me , knew Lottie — Clive Bell 's cook ; she was very friendly with her ; and we used to go over there if they had any luncheons .
26 Normally senior staff have become separated from this but their own experience in the ranks ( if they had any ) leaves them fully aware of the emotional dynamics between landing staff and prisoners .
27 ‘ And then Crom Croich eats the hearts , ’ said the soldier , and Cathbad , who had been very busy all afternoon supervising the skinning and jointing of an ox and had been planning to serve braised ox heart for tomorrow 's midday meal , turned quite green and tried to remember if they had any salted pig left .
28 If they had any ideas about bursting into tune they had to abandon them temporarily because I do n't think any of them had breath to blow .
29 Erm a and f at first we had one or two people coming in , but then it , it , it dr it dropped off very quickly , and after about three months , I think , we decided we were n't getting enough take-up , w that we would not have the sessions in the flats any more , but that we would encourage people to come to the Law Centre if they had any problems .
30 One would have been enough , if they had any good arguments or data which er they did n't have .
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