Example sentences of "if it had [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It had appeared , it would move on , but for this moment it was there for her — almost as if it had waited for her to be alone .
2 What you write may well be funny , but if it had grown to the extent where it overweighs the actual book you are writing , a piece of comic crime fiction , then you will be spoiling the whole .
3 His career , literally , hung by a thread of tissue which , if it had broken , would have forced him to wear a colostomy bag for life .
4 Certainly it would not have been a viable proposition if it had run into serious trouble within a year or so of its launch .
5 She said she had seen the programme and wondered if it had spoiled anything for me , but I was able to reassure her that it had improved my life .
6 The security aspect was obviously serious : how could the Comrade 's convoy of cars approach the planned government buildings at its usual high speed , if it had to turn sharp corners ?
7 Tallis called , and as if it had understood its name the Green Jack stopped a moment , stared sadly at the woman with the horse .
8 It seems to us that the Bill would be open to criticism if it had to rely on provisions such as those in [ the Larceny Act 1916 , section ] 44(3) and ( 4 ) .
9 The exposed skin was flushed and glowing ; here and there it resembled tanned leather and , in some cases , it looked as if it had split and healed , and split again .
10 The tree was so big that , if it had fallen into the clearing , it would have flattened most of the gathering , but luckily it went in the other direction , toppling over the cliffside .
11 The office looked as if it had fallen under the same spell of passing time as Dexter , and been unoccupied for weeks rather than hours — the motes of dust , the grime of London gently settling on files , videotapes and yellowing newspapers .
12 Pittenweem was one of the burghs which favoured Alexander , although if it had favoured Anstruther , it would have been three to two .
13 Mildred held out her arm to see if it had begun to reappear but it had n't .
14 The most striking feature of his appearance was a sheepskin jacket which looked as if it had seen better days , sometime in the late nineteen seventies .
15 Most countries tax multinationals on an ‘ arm 's length ’ basis , calculating the profits that the firm earned within their borders as if it had done so through a stand-alone business , operating at arm 's length from the parent firm .
16 It is difficult to see how this Conference could " possibly have approved fusion ; even if it had done , half the constituencies would probably have refused to implement the decision .
17 If it had done nine thousand five hundred miles , how much would we take off ? hey ?
18 It was n't , it definitely was n't the tablets because i if , if it had done that to you , it would have been all day .
19 If it had done that , we might have had a sensible dialogue with British Rail , but it did not .
20 If it had done so , and had included among such grounds the case where the company had been formed with the purpose of defrauding creditors … the Spanish court would have been entitled to give effect to it notwithstanding the terms of the Directive ( p 32 ) .
21 When it had finished , it hared off across the garden as if it had done something clever .
22 The Judge said if it had cost one penny more he would have been hanged .
23 The judge added , at p. 143 , that if Woolwich had not paid there might have been an assessment or a writ ‘ with the result in either case of highly undesirable publicity for Woolwich if it had withheld the very large sums claimed by the revenue to be due ’ and that there was an understandable fear by Woolwich of damage to its reputation .
24 It did well enough , though might have done better if it had covered less ground ; also , in the four years that had elapsed since gathering material for it , public interest in the world role that Americans had taken up in the Kennedy years had largely evaporated .
25 When she tried again the door gave suddenly as if it had decided of itself to let her in .
26 That cow would have kicked the pail out of the byre in shame if it had squirted anything out like that . ’
27 But we knew that also that erm if it had to go , I t had to go .
28 If it had become axiomatic that the author ( or ‘ scriptor ’ in Ricardou 's terminology ) had become decentred and that the novel could not represent any psychological or social reality , then the origins of a text could only be found in the self-generating aspect of language itself .
29 But repeat the procedure often enough and the response will diminish and eventually the animal will no longer curl itself into a ball when touched — as if it had become accustomed to the stimulus and no longer regarded it as dangerous .
30 But the two men had argued that the emergency had been going on in Northern Ireland for so long , it was a question whether it was a crisis situation or if it had become normal .
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