Example sentences of "if [indef pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Theatre is about communication — and if no-one understands it , then we 've failed . ’
2 ‘ Theatre is about communication — and if no-one understands it , then we 've failed . ’
3 This obviously saves time in group sessions , but only if everyone does it .
4 Oh do n't bother , for god if everyone gets you know like what you said before , he said he did n't like you , he did n't ask you out you know the first time , cos everyone was hassling him , if they all hassle him now , you 're not gon na get far are you ?
5 If everyone thinks they can make money out of bargain books , let them . ’
6 If … if everyone had their rights I should be legal mistress of this place now .
7 Of course , if everyone knew their partners inside out , there 's a good chance no-one would ever plight their troth .
8 ‘ The way I see it , if everyone knew what they wanted , the TV would never have been invented , the car would never have been invented , the plane would never have been invented or ‘ Led Zeppelin II ’ would never have come out because no one liked ‘ Led Zeppelin I ’ .
9 ‘ You remember you said it was easy to get a book published if everyone knew your name ? ’
10 ‘ It does if everyone hates him , does n't it ? ’
11 That argument has to rest on the principle that it makes other owners of Utterly Dependables feel better if everyone has one !
12 And if nothing happens it 's even cosier !
13 The girls screamed ; some gritted their teeth , others stayed cool as if nothing worried them .
14 ‘ That 's always been the Liverpool way — if someone takes your place and does well , you accept it .
15 If someone thinks they could raise that future flow , they will pay more for the firm .
16 They explain that if someone thinks it is wrong to be gay because of their religious beliefs , three training sessions will not change them .
17 If someone slaps your left cheek then you slap his right , only harder .
18 On the new LP it will say something like ‘ Free samples if someone uses it in a really creative way . ’
19 Will I have to pay up if someone uses it ?
20 If someone tells me used to do that aswell Ill believe it , and put him up there with Melvyn .
21 Really good , well I said if someone tells me to shut up .
22 If someone tells you something hard which you do n't know , you have to think what is it .
23 If someone tells you not to think of a white bear , what happens ?
24 ‘ If that editor were here tonight , I would love to issue a challenge to him : if someone tells you that the Royal Bank increases any customer 's charge without prior notice , he 's wrong .
25 Check it ; if someone tells you that the Royal Bank , because of the experiences of the recession , is no longer interested in lending to viable businesses — large or small — he 's wrong .
26 Check it ; and if someone tells you that the Royal Bank is now only interested in improving its bottom line , and no longer cares about people at all , he 's wrong .
27 So , if someone tells us charity is wrong — he not only salves our conscience , but saves us money too .
28 What should we think if someone tells us : ‘ I enjoy roast potatoes , but only at meals where I 'm served boiled potatoes ? ’
29 What if someone made you come ?
30 If someone touched him from behind on a crowded Saturday night he would push himself back onto the anonymous hand , just like a cat would , without turning round to see who it was .
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