Example sentences of "if [not/n't] for the " in BNC.

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1 Doctors at King 's College Hospital , London , believe that Aisling Barnett , 35 , who suffered liver failure after reacting to a drug prescribed after the birth of her daughter , would have died yesterday if not for the operation .
2 And would politics based on religion have disappeared in Glasgow if not for the rise of the Labour Party ?
3 The eventual publication of ‘ Work in Progress ’ , as Finnegans Wake in 1939 , provides a convenient date — if not for the success of the novel itself , too abstract and esoteric to sustain much attention during the war years which followed — at least for critics and literary historians .
4 He called his acceptance of human sexuality and respect for the female energy Red Thread Zen , acknowledging that life itself would not exist if not for the umbilical cord that connects us to the feminine .
5 She would have stayed asleep , too , if not for the outrageous racket that erupted outside at that very moment .
6 The rather flat results of the autumn sales of nineteenth-century paintings in New York indicated that the market remains somewhat thin , although , as usual , good pictures , attractively priced , nearly always sell , if not for the frequently high estimates given them by the auction houses .
7 Thus , Chartism was the eldest surviving child of Owenism ; and the six points of the People 's Charter brought into sharper focus , and as a realisable political objective within the given constitutional framework , the expectations of most of those who had earlier looked , if not for the re-creation of man on Owen 's visionary model , at least for a rapid and general application of co-operative practice as the means to a better life : who had , in short , looked for the reconstruction of the state as an industrial democracy .
8 No prison could run for long if not for the fact that most prisoners most of the time are prepared simply to cooperate with the staff and ‘ do their bird ’ .
9 George turned to Catherine , kissed her hands and seemed content to stare at her for the rest of the night if not for the rest of his life : Mary bowed her head a little and Hope looked away , sipped at his claret , could do no more .
10 Charcoaled fingers still gripped the wheel … and the stench of cooking flesh would have been unbearable , if not for the greedily sucking wind of the storm .
11 If not for the help of the librarian she might not even have found the book .
12 Loretta had the grace to feel uncomfortable , if not for the right reasons .
13 If not for the operation it would only be a matter of months before she had to go on Dialysis .
14 There are other strips full of angst , of the search for self knowledge , if not for the meaning of life .
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