Example sentences of "if [noun prp] think [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 If Offa thought he could attempt ‘ to deal on equal terms ’ with Charlemagne , therefore , he was mistaken , and the likelihood is that the Frankish court had come to view his ascendancy in southern England with misgivings , destroying as it had done the traditional shape of political power in the south-east .
2 A mini psychopath , I thought , and maybe not so mini , at that , if Xanthe thought he should be in jail .
3 If Hugh thought she knew everything perhaps it was better that he should think it .
4 ‘ Sorry , no , ’ Ellie said dismissively , and if Phena thought she was also coming in for a chat she was mistaken .
5 If Gilbert thought it was part of her duty to track down Amy or help her in any way , then she would do so .
6 They had worked out their monthly budget to the last pound , and if Norman thought she was going to eat this overpriced muck with a perfectly good cold supper waiting in the refrigerator at home and a decent programme on the telly he could forget it .
7 If Constance thought she was learning things about Ludovico , it was nothing compared with what he was gleaning from her .
8 He looked in her direction and they exchanged smiles and Ruth somehow felt that if Steve thought she was in trouble and needed bailing out he would come over immediately .
9 If Diana thinks you 're a motto , that 's tops . ’
10 If Diana thinks she can just try to have a normal Christmas without the boys she is going to have a very miserable day . ’
11 Then suddenly she stopped dead , realising that , if Naylor thought she had n't yet completely finished with Travis , then he was just angry enough — and blunt enough — to do it for her .
12 What he could do , if Ritschl thought it a plan worth pursuing was put together a book of miscellaneous bits and pieces-part literary history , part " new ideas and views " ( neue Ansichten und Aussichten ) of an as yet unspecified nature , part textual criticism .
13 I had been given a very short time to assimilate the books of poetry and to write the review : a time-limit that would have been almost impossible for me to meet today , so much more sluggish has my mind become ; but I felt that if Eliot thought I could do the job , it was doubtless within my capacity .
14 And if Danniella thought he looked out of place , she did n't show it .
15 If Felipe thought she would take the husband off his hands while he amused himself with Candace he was very much mistaken !
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