Example sentences of "their children [verb] been " in BNC.

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1 In June 1987 , local newspapers in Cleveland published accounts by parents who complained that their children had been removed from their care by the local authority on the basis of disputed diagnoses of sexual abuse by two local paediatricians .
2 Many of the mothers felt their children had been subjected to physical and emotional abuse by those caring for them during their absence , and were concerned about their lack of academic progress at school .
3 Now , with no warning , no discussions , their children had been taken away .
4 Again they heard the allegations against them on the basis of which their children had been taken away .
5 Their children had been in care for eight months .
6 Some felt their children had been hurt by the family breakdown and that they needed additional care .
7 Serious failures in parenting were also evident in the ex-care sample : one-fifth of their children had been taken into care and as many as one-third of the women had experienced some form of transient or permanent parenting breakdown with at least one of their children .
8 They support the FDR-FMLN on a negotiated solution , condemn the role of the United States and have opted for electoral abstention on the grounds that their children have been denied the vote and that therefore the conditions ( or free elections do not exist .
9 The economic contexts in which mothers care for their children have been deeply affected by the widening of income inequalities in Britain in recent decades .
10 In particular , the divorcing parents who have been interviewed have tended to be those who requested counselling or mediation , the ages of their children have been very diverse , and the use of non-divorcing families as ‘ controls ’ is rare .
11 The couple and their children have been rehoused by the local council — they say that they are definately going to fit smoke alarms to their new home .
12 To the charge that Victorians sentimentalised the deaths of their children has been added the allegation that they may have inflicted psychological damage by bringing them prematurely into contact with death .
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