Example sentences of "if [verb] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 A survey , Young Single Mothers Today , by One Parent Families , ‘ shows that teenage pregnancy results from a complex set of circumstances and motivations , of which housing is only a minor factor , if considered at all , ’ explains Sue Slipman , of One Parent Families .
2 Outcome , if considered at all , has been narrowly conceived as continuity or breakdown of placement .
3 How often are gender issues , if included at all , confined to one section of the curriculum , never to be raised again in other areas ?
4 Parsley is hardy and can be sown outdoors in March , but takes several weeks to germinate if sown at that time in cool temperate regions , hence , it has earnt itself the reputation of needing " to go to the Devil seven times and back " before it will sprout .
5 Food rewards , if used at all , must be kept to an absolute minimum ( half a Smartie is better than a whole one ) .
6 Two thoroughbred stallions panted heavily as if driven at some pace .
7 Rather , if found at all , such work is likely to be roughly handled and very much read .
8 If continuing at this new level , re-lean as before .
9 They were an intrusion and , if allowed at all , were usually treated as such .
10 The root is least tenacious in early spring and easiest to dig up completely , and if removed at this time , will prevent the further problem of spreading by seed later in the season .
11 Amnesty has hitherto been perceived by companies — if perceived at all ! — as an organization that is politically biased , dealing with complex intellectual issues in distant countries — some of which were downright obscure .
12 At the end of the day , an individual observer could conclude that the various costs of regulation exceeded the benefits and that therefore regulation should be abandoned , but such a conclusion , if warranted at all , is not warranted without a great deal of analysis .
13 These aspects , if articulated at all , must therefore be governed by informal agreements .
14 If re-introduced at any future date , it is recommended that they should be fixed at not above 30% of costs and subject to prior approval from NPAs within National Parks .
15 Much of Byrd 's music was inadequately edited , if published at all , and beyond a limited circle of enthusiasts little of it was performed .
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