Example sentences of "their [noun sg] will [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Although it is not always possible to match jobs perfectly with aptitude , use should be made of the strength and expertise of senior staff in the jobs to which they are best suited ; their enthusiasm will spread to assistants and a higher level of general motivation will result .
2 Relevant previous circulars are cancelled , and local authorities were ‘ now asked to pick out for priority handling those applications which in their judgement will contribute most to national and local economic activity ’ .
3 If one of the parties dies before the end of the mortgage term , their endowment will pay off their portion of the loan , and the surviving partner will continue paying into their policy exactly as before .
4 Buyers on their part will make similar calculations ; and if at any time the price should rise considerably above 36s. they will argue that the supply will be much greater than the demand at that price : therefore even those of them who would rather pay that price than go unserved , wait ; and by waiting they help to bring the price down .
5 The British Red Cross hope their course will help plug a potentially dangerous loophole in the law governing the standard of care offered by babysitters , giving the parent a well earned night out with peace of mind .
6 Hagar and her son are indeed to be cast out , and God explains the place their banishment will take in his larger purposes .
7 It is hoped that discussion of the problems faced by attempted suicide patients and the factors which should be kept in mind during their assessment will have left the reader in no doubt as to the crucial nature of the assessment procedure for such patients and the need for it to be done in a careful way by staff who have been appropriately trained .
8 Then gradually their experience will enable them to make sound judgements about their family .
9 There 's no specific area that I can lay my finger on to explain why West Indian kids underachieve … what is inevitable is that a lot of West Indian children particularly the bright ones will do fairly well up to either the beginning or the middle of the fourth year , and for some peculiar reason their progress will fall off towards the end of the fifth year .
10 For all those who work in the production of audio and video programmes , that the fruits of their creativity will promote sound moral values in the new civilization which is being created by modern communications .
11 For all those who work in the production of audio and video programmes , that the fruits of their creativity will promote sound moral values in the audiovisual culture .
12 If this is followed , it should let bands progress as far as their creativity will allow .
13 Their breathing will become shallow and the pulse rapid and weak where 's your casualty going ?
14 Their route will take them 230 miles across the Nares Straight towards west Greenland .
15 The British squad members may not be fully rested after their return yesterday from a 2½-week training trip to the United States , but their presence will serve as a psychological boost to their teams .
16 One of the most important components of the legal framework created by parliament for their protection will have been rendered ineffectual for them .
17 Interest can be paid either on an annual or monthly basis and Royal Reward has tiered rates which means the more the customer invests , the higher the rate they will attract and the faster their money will grow .
18 Supporters across the globe will take part in fundraising support climbs on their local hills , and their money will go to provide fresh water for the village of Askole on the way to K2 , where infant mortality is 50% , and other schemes on every continent .
19 After four years of the parliament ( ie , by April 1996 ) there is a one-in-six chance that their majority will have gone .
20 If active steps are taken to attract the custom of older people , their response will reap its own rewards .
21 But surely their successor will hear faint strains of a Chopin ‘ Nocturne ’ drifting softly out from Number Eight across the canals of Little Venice .
22 ‘ You encourage your readers to believe that one day their prince will come . ’
23 Their award will allow the completion of three major schemes which will improve the appearance of land alongside the main East Coast railway .
24 At the present time your plenty will supply what they need ; so that in turn their plenty will supply what you need .
25 ‘ You think their ideology will outlive them ?
26 The maker of one of the world 's most exclusive cars is offering its customers a guarantee that their purchase will last at least seventy-five years .
27 Products are grouped according to the principal benefit which customers perceive that their purchase will bring .
28 The more devout they are , the uglier their faith will become since it is based on a lie .
29 ‘ Perhaps some people need a psychological or emotional crutch before their faith will come back or to give them more confidence .
30 They should not assume their tape will get passed on .
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