Example sentences of "their [noun] work for " in BNC.

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1 They are usually those days on which your employees are required by their contract to work for you .
2 Some fear it 's their last chance to secure the future they and their forefathers worked for .
3 According to Marx 's theory the many different units were willing to unite and contribute their labour to work for the despot because this appeared , not as working for him , but as working for ‘ the higher unity ’ , which , they wrongly believed , was the source of their continued existence .
4 The vast bulk of lawyers spend their lives working for business interests , and top lawyers work overwhelmingly for giant corporations who alone can afford their fees .
5 The East India Company and other companies like the Royal Africa Company and the Hudson 's Bay Company rarely brought in men like Roe to help with work at the top , and normally expected to promote people who had spent their lives working for the Company .
6 Most people ensure that they spend their lives working for something which they think has a future , and which will provide the sort of life and opportunity that they wish for themselves and their dependants .
7 The Sinhalese were thought lazy because of their reluctance to work for planters , but the poor living conditions of estate labourers are ample explanation of the failure to recruit Sinhalese workers .
8 Finally , when they get back home once again they are ‘ in demand ’ , and it is in their nature to work for the family again and put their own wants or needs to the bottom of the pile !
9 After a study of academic enterprise in the US , Matthew Bullock of Barclays Bank , concludes that specific ‘ technology transfer mechanisms ’ are less important than the willingness of universities to allow their academics to work for industry ‘ on the side ’ .
10 It was in any case something of a miracle — and a tribute to the tenacity of the Lebanese — that their Covenant worked for as long as it did .
11 When this failed , the union instructed their members working for the butcher that , if he continued to buy L's meat , they were to cease work .
12 It was in this spirit that Bernard gave Jane , at eighteen , a professional 's Hasselblad camera and appointed her company photographer , the first of their children to work for the company .
13 Of course , at the end of the day they pay the same for them whether directly or through taxation , but if they pay for them directly , in return for service or as private insurance , then their incentives to work for them are greater and the economy benefits .
14 Other people at the Town Hall only spent part of their time working for the Tramways Department .
15 Thus a modern Inuit village family may live in a small settlement of insulated timber housing , spend part of their time working for wages in government or private company employ , hunt caribou or seals for meat , and tend traplines for extra money to buy consumer goods from the store or mail-order catalogue .
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