Example sentences of "can not [verb] just " in BNC.

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1 Although it can choose whether to sell bonds or Treasury bills , it can not decide just who is to purchase them — banks/discount houses , the general public or foreigners .
2 I am afraid I can not bear just yet to go back to Baldersdale .
3 We can not do just as we like because we are limited , or constrained , by ( i ) the amount of money , or capital , we have ; ( ii ) the inventions , or technology , available ; ( iii ) the space , or land , available ; ( iv ) the resources , such as fuel or timber , or existing roads and buildings ; ( v ) the desires of other human beings which may conflict with ours .
4 He can not do just as he pleases .
5 Under the act , they claim , they can not extinguish just some of the rights .
6 You are much more likely to go for old pine , or oak , tough lacquer or vinyl — at least for several years , but there is no reason why these can not work just as well and create a feeling of their own .
7 I can not remember just what purpose had taken me up on to the top floor of the house to where the row of guest bedrooms line the corridor .
8 We can not see just what we like .
9 At present , a multinational company can not run just one fund for all its staff ; an employee moving from Britain to Spain has to join a different fund .
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