Example sentences of "can not [verb] these " in BNC.

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1 Managers can not tell these people what , specifically , to find out .
2 Again , however , the authorities can not control these leakages directly whereas they can vary tax rates through their own budgetary powers .
3 Obviously , we can not explain these very striking variations in behaviour via biology , since the people in the various societies were all the same biologically .
4 The general theory of relativity , on its own , can not explain these features or answer these questions because of its prediction that the universe started off with infinite density at the big bang singularity .
5 It has exceptionally long barbels and , when kept in confined spaces where it can not move these appendages freely , it will often take fright and dash around the aquarium , causing considerable damage not only to the tank decor , but to itself in extreme cases the fish has been known to leap from the tank .
6 It has exceptionally long barbels and , when kept in confined spaces where it can not move these appendages freely , it will often take fright and dash around the aquarium , causing considerable damage not only to the tank decor , but to itself .
7 Obviously a fish which , through abnormal pigmentation , can not exhibit these ‘ communication patterns ’ will be severely disadvantaged in its relationships with others of its species .
8 Places that can not meet these new requirements by January 1991 may consequently lose a Crown .
9 But most workshops in developing countries can not meet these tolerances , ‘ so the spares simply do n't fit , ’ says Unwin .
10 When a university in the programme can not meet these standards , funding from other universities in the scheme would be used to subsidise improvements .
11 Convocation , in its present form , can not meet these demands of the new situation .
12 But , as we have noticed above , we often can not quantify these subsets meaningfully throughout the range of speaker-groups and styles because occurrences of the relevant variants are relatively rare .
13 We can not sense these faint chemical traces , but the bloodhound can smell them immediately .
14 Do not worry if you can not observe these .
15 And of course , when Jesus came and he healed the people and he spoke words of , of deliverance to those who are demon oppressed and he spoke words of that brought help to those who are blind and so on , there is of course , er , to the natural mind , a very natural explanation , it can all be explained away because you can not do these things !
16 It is obvious that , if you can not handle these problems , you are not qualified and therefore , should not be presenting such an enterprise as an independent project . ’
17 We can not neglect these things , but neither can we control or even forecast them with any certainty .
18 The hungry or thirsty horse becomes anxious if it can not satisfy these needs , and as a consequence drives itself harder to find food or water .
19 Although he may have the option of ignoring them , possibly at some cost to himself , he can not manipulate these rules and conditions in the same way that he can those within his own sphere of competence .
20 We can not alter these circumstances , but we can try to make good use of such information that is available , and ‘ make the data speak for themselves ’ about other aspects , and this project will continue developments in this direction .
21 We can not lock these children up , ’ said a care worker .
22 We can not lock these children up . ’
23 I do n't expect the heartbeat award scheme to suffer , I will be in touch with Matthew fairly closely to ensure that , but I think the position of the labour group is that we can not support these recommendations as they are but we offer you a compromise solution .
24 We can not claim these life stories to be ‘ representative ’ in the strict social scientific sense , but we do believe them to be ‘ valid ’ .
25 Individuals who can not accept these norms are cast out from the protection of the group .
26 Even making the most lavish allowance for the greater purchasing power of money in the sixteenth century , one can not consider these sums very generous for officials of such standing .
27 Cultural sociology can not replace these , but can put to their material certain distinctively sociological questions .
28 The sociology of cultural forms can not replace these disciplines , but in its emphasis on the social as well as the notational basis of sign-systems , then seen as general signifying systems , it puts specific sociological questions and adds , to what would otherwise be internal kinds of analysis , a deliberately extended social dimension .
29 The argon laser can not produce these ideal parameters , and neither can any of the recently introduced lasers such as the copper vapour , the continuous dye , and the frequency doubled neodymium yttrium aluminium garnet lasers .
30 If that is the case that each of the political parties , as I assume is the case for er the Conservative party , I know it to be the case of the Labour party I assume the same is true for the Liberal Democrats and other parties represented in this house , that they undertake the very considerable organisational er er process of selecting candidates only to find a few weeks before June the ninth , that as a result of the difficulties that I 've described as far as the French government attitude towards these elections is concerned , that er in fact we have to revert to the existing arrangements and that we can not have these new er boundaries in place .
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