Example sentences of "can i [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 How can I clear my tank of the horrible stuff ?
2 Not only can I confirm my hon. Friend 's figures , I can go further and tell him that an additional £115 million has been invested by the three health authorities that his patients use in Cambridge , Peterborough , and West Norfolk and Wisbech .
3 Can I adjust my proposal then , to include the bit about the populations so that we can make representations about the boundary and the use of ninety one statistics rather than
4 What can I expect my hotel room to be like ?
5 How can I make my tapwater safe for my fish ?
6 This document is nice and clear plain English , but quite frankly some of the replies and some of the er , er things understood by the public , can we ensure that we do use plain English , I 've got no criticism with this , this is okay , but when we get the replies to our customers erm that we service can we use plain English , that 's my first point , do you want to respond or can I make my second one ?
7 Can I wear my new yellow wellies ? ’
8 Can I wear my track suit ?
9 Can I change my Will ?
10 But how can I change my life ?
11 Can I change my booking and what will it cost ?
12 Only if the proper amendment procedure is followed ( see ‘ Can I change my booking … ’ , point 2 paragraph g above ) .
14 Er , can I collect my Willy Wonka gold ticket now !
15 Ideology and all , can I cripple my five-year-old 's creativity at the appalling government school because I opted to work in a backward area ?
16 If not , can I present my age as an advantage ?
17 Take time to say , ‘ How can I present my organization in the best light ? okay We 've made a mistake . ’
18 When can I move my Convict Cichlid from their 24″ tank into the large tank with their parents ?
19 Can I finished my book ?
20 Can I bring my pet with me ?
21 for a date , you 're not going to say can I bring my friend ?
23 Problems can be divided into those requiring a choice between alternatives ( e.g. shall I take this job ; shall I leave my spouse ? ) and those requiring the attainment of specific goals ( e.g. how can I do my job better ; how can I improve the relationship with my spouse ? ) .
24 ‘ Dammee woman , how can I set my mind to anything with you in a tiz ?
25 Can I extend my covenant , if I wish to continue making payments over a longer period ?
26 Can I give my Right Honourable Friend two big thank-yous ! ’ , he cried , in a tone suggesting that he would like to accompany them with two big kisses .
27 Can I give my telephone number ?
28 When I do a good workout , I feel fine , but then I start to think ‘ I 've just worked off 500 calories — what can I stuff my face with ? ’
29 Can I defer my pension ?
30 ‘ How can I tell my children they ca n't have the things their classmates enjoy , because their daddy is n't able to work again ? ’
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