Example sentences of "can [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Er , but I mean , everything you do is , is designed to set yourself up in the best possible position for when the staff come in and , and throughout the shift leaving it as best you can for the branch manager the next day .
2 So perhaps we can for the contribution that she 's made in sh in a short time .
3 Can for the purpose of continuing the discussion , can we concentrate I think on the A fifty nine corr otherwise we shall get slightly cross threaded here .
4 So , doing the best you can for the welfare of your cat can have severe adverse effects on the welfare of wild animals .
5 He would not treat them as sources of law past that point , but his general responsibility when he believes that law has run out is to make the best new law he can for the future , and he might be concerned with past legal doctrine for special reasons bearing on that issue .
6 The pragmatist thinks judges should always do the best they can for the future , in the circumstances , unchecked by any need to respect or secure consistency in principle with what other officials have done or will do .
7 Therefore ‘ easing ’ , which is normally presented as the opposite to work , can for the neighbourhood men ( and also the community relations police ) be construed as official police work , and quite often much of the best community work is done by neighbourhood men when they seem to be relaxing .
8 But er , yes er , I would have been er , I think if I 'd still been in Jim 's place , er quite rightly so , getting all that we can for the town .
9 Get as many as you can for the trade figures .
10 Because I want to do as much as we can during the holiday so that when you go back you you 're up there with the rest of them okay .
11 No you can during the week , but what 'll we do , she said well got a buyer take it back to customer services .
12 Supporters of this generally held theory point to the tiger 's thick fur and heavy layer of fat ; also to its need to keep cool in the hot climates in which it now lives by immersing itself in water whenever it can during the heat of the day .
13 The original design , held over to eke out what it can during the transition , will be scrapped once the second design comes on-line .
14 Find out as much as you can about the firm you decide on .
15 We have no choice but to deduce as much as we can about the baking of the cake from studying what happens if we miss out a constituent , alter the temperature or cooking time or whatever …
16 And the more I delve into computers , the more I realise just how negligible my knowledge is , despite reading everything I can about the subject .
17 Oh I think I 've told you about all that I can about the glen .
18 Find out as much as you can about the school .
19 He said : ‘ I have told you all I can about the attack on you .
20 Account men make it their business to learn everything they can about the client 's product and how it compares with others on the market , and a strategy is arrived at with the help of the researchers and planners , and sometimes with the creative team on the writing and art side .
21 Find out what you can about the definition of ‘ unemployment ’ in the two years .
22 — Be as precise as you can about the role the video recording is intended to have in the teaching programme .
23 First problems can have several causes ; and second , even when you 're employing a specialist , read any information you can about the job — you may not understand everything , but you might save yourself a lot of bother . , .
24 Please contact me as soon as you can after the sale to collect your money and any unsold items .
25 Please contact me as soon as you can after the sale to collect your money and any unsold items .
26 But they are brought together , in successive books , by the force of this preoccupation , and the reader has to make what he can of the resemblance between two figures quite remote from one another in any coarser understanding of the matter , to do this while adjusting his sight to a vista of copycats , impostors and successive interpretations — a vista which is far from unfamiliar now and can be caught , for instance , in the productions and reproductions of contemporary literary theory .
27 You could type in all your accounting figures again , and recreate what you can of the customer histories from print outs in the filing cabinet .
28 ‘ Stay in my flat for a few days and enjoy what you can of the Carnival .
29 It is then left to the individual local authority to make the best use it can of the sum granted to it , under an overall obligation to maintain standards of services by comparison with those in other areas .
30 Tucker had remained beside the boat , staring after her , while Fwinky padded barefoot with a petrol can towards the boathouse .
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