Example sentences of "can [be] make for " in BNC.

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1 As for the claim that the Cuk converter approaches 90% efficiency and produces minimal RF interference , exactly the same claims can be made for well-designed standard topologies .
2 Something of the problem defined by Jameson would also apply to the reading of longer poems , but I believe it would be more manageable ; with poetry , a better case can be made for homologies between style and structure .
3 Dr Tyrell stressed that the results do not mean that a similar vaccine can be made for HIV ‘ but at least the road now does not look like a dead end ’ .
4 A series of many similar observations can be made for a number of different tribes and issues , and cumulatively these give us a very clear picture of the extensive series of Celtic silver coinages of the first century BC .
5 Arrangements can be made for ‘ pre-boarding ’ disabled passengers and their vehicles .
6 If the need for more labour intensive economic activities is recognised , and if the full social costs of continuing rural decline and urban expansion are calculated then a strong case can be made for more determined political action and considerably increased government investment in many DRAs .
7 A case can be made for both its constitutional propriety and its administrative efficiency .
8 If a patient has lost much weight and particularly if underweight , then a good case can be made for commencing insulin .
9 A case can be made for giving tolbutamide to those 65 years and over who are obese Type 2 patients and need an oral agent .
10 In this way provision can be made for the control of potential odours by requiring certain odour abatement equipment to be installed .
11 Scaevola is less than enthusiastic , but he does state that a case can be made for a trust 's having been established .
12 The final step provides an evaluation or post-mortem of the whole teaching programme so that , in cases where students have not achieved the objectives , appropriately modified plans can be made for future teaching .
13 It should be sent ( or preferably taken ) as soon as possible , together with the free death certificate ( Form BD8 ) which you will have been given by the Registrar of Births and Deaths , to the local Social Security Office , and as in most cases there is an entitlement to a National Insurance death grant , application can be made for this at the same time .
14 The fact of being ‘ family ’ is no guarantee that people can live together happily on a long-term basis , and almost any other good ‘ care ’ arrangement that can be made for an elderly person is better than a cat-and-dog life with relatives , where there is no common ground for agreement , and constant quarrels make home life a misery .
15 The guarantee can be made for as long as the manufacturer chooses .
16 As we shall describe , provision can be made for camera survival ; but for most kite flyers the camera value , not to mention associated control systems , will be a major consideration .
17 The OFT will look at why a cartridge which trade sources say can be made for less than £10 can cost up to £65 .
18 The position of the beads in the grave normally suggests they were worn on a necklace , but a case can be made for some having been worn in the hair .
19 Some place must be found for the principle of self-determination as a basis for altering international boundaries and the controlled and limited use of force in the service of this principle , and , in order to establish the boundaries of such legitimate force , it will be necessary to establish rules to which appeal can be made for the settlement of territorial disputes by international courts as an essential precondition of the legitimate resort to force .
20 Sometimes , learning materials will need to be presented in a different way , and emphasis given to particular aspects of learning , but an understanding of the pupil 's needs can clarify issues of curriculum access and special adaptations can be made for those pupils who have sight problems .
21 The move up to verse can be made for the exit of a person from a lower but also for the entrance of one from a higher rank .
22 Unfortunately , through gullible journalists and limitations of the act , grossly exaggerated therapeutic claims can be made for ‘ natural ’ health supplements , herbal remedies , electrical devices , allergy treatments , etc , few of which are ever supported by objective scientific evidence .
23 Although perhaps a case can be made for self monitoring by patients treated with insulin , there is no evidence to justify this expensive and uncomfortable practice for most people with non-insulin treated diabetes .
24 Having found out how much money the client has to spend , the producer must study the creative team 's script and storyboard and work out whether it can be made for the money available .
25 Only when the agency is satisfied that they have a film which can be made for the money and will be allowed on air should it be shown to the client .
26 Further applications can be made for extensions up to a maximum of 96 hours from the commencement of the detention .
27 Other , similar , measures can be made for phonemes per syllable , morphemes per word , etc .
28 If an appeal is merited , application can be made for an extension of the legal aid certificate to cover the appellate proceedings .
29 A lease can be made for five years subject to the tenant 's right to determine if the war ends before the expiry of five years .
30 After several more paragraphs stating that any Yugoslavs " who can not be disposed of " on these conditions should be retained until arrangements can be made for their evacuation to Italy , an additional " NOTE " refers back to para ( i ) : " There was considerable discussion upon the interpretation of the term " use of force " .
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