Example sentences of "can [vb infin] [pers pn] on " in BNC.

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1 I reject the hon. Gentleman 's criticism , and I can reassure him on the present position .
2 He can make it on his own , do n't you think ? ’
3 Oh they can sack you on the works .
4 Will my right hon. Friend set out his policy for 1992 — — so that I can congratulate him on his anniversary again next year , when he will still be Prime Minister ?
5 You can congratulate them on getting into the problem so quickly , discuss the flaw , come to a mutual agreement about definitions or regulations , or dictate further instructions as needed .
6 You can throw it on your roses .
7 For the first time in Britain , doctors can include it on death certificates as the cause of death .
8 If er something comes in , they can attack him on his back do you see .
9 . There quite nice are n't they , you can hang them on your cot that 's good .
10 Hopefully , YTS permitting , the rest of the country can catch them on the forthcoming Teenage Fannies tour .
11 Hopefully , YTS permitting , the rest of the country can catch them on the forthcoming Teenage Fannies tour .
12 You can catch me on the phone .
13 You can buy it on a Tuesday up in London , which is one of the good things about London
14 Each season the true 500 elite ( you can count them on your hands with fingers to spare ) develop their skills further as improved equipment allows achievements which a year ago , or even a month ago , would have been impossible .
15 Well , perhaps we can count them on the fingers of one hand .
16 1 can overrule you on this . ’
17 ‘ Then perhaps you can assist me on a minor point of methodology ? ’
18 — the way in which he and his colleagues can assist us on an individual basis .
19 be careful in the dusk , remember mirror , signal , manoeuvre once you start to overtake move quickly passed the vehicle you are overtaking , when overtake er , overtake only on the right except when the driver in the front has signalled that he intends to turn right , you can overtake him on the left , without getting in the way , when you want to turn left at a junction , when traffic is moving slowly in queues and be er , in a lane on the right and moving more slowly than you are , in one way streets , but not dual carriageways , maybe with a path on either side , when traffic is moving as described , do not increase your speed while being overtaken , slow down if necessary to let the overtaking vehicle pass .
20 Very crudely we can base it on those elements which albeit often apparently antithetical or contradictory as they seem to be , have figured more or less constantly in discussions on " what design is " .
21 You can either do what we 've already done or you can base it on stuff that we 'll do in the future .
22 And I 'm just being hysterical , I suppose , because I 've had too many of John 's terribly strong G and Ts and it 'll all look different in the morning and I 'll come to you and say sorry and was n't I being a silly girl last night , and you can pat me on the head and say yes , was n't I ?
23 And we can give you on account .
24 You can do it on your own or you can get together with family and friends .
25 I can do it on my own . ’
26 It 's another question as to whether I can do it on stage , but at least it happened , at least I know I can get there if I really try hard enough . ’
27 Er but as I say if , if we can do it on a personalized basis er personalized geographic basis , it gives it more identity er then what , what you produced certainly i is halfway there to the issues that Steve mentioned earlier on .
28 There are times when I wish I had someone to look after and who would look after me again , but I am confident now I can do it on my own . "
29 You 'll be doing it on your own so that 's what I want you to do to get so you can do it on your own .
30 Er In a monastery garden , one of these vital things , it d it you can do it on a piano , but it does n't really sound .
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