Example sentences of "can [adv] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , you 've got that to tend with and erm on top of that erm , you ca n't ware of if you 've got a pass yes , I , you 've then have to er , get , you know , whether though it 'll be going to a and at the moment there suppose to be very , very low so they ca n't do that any more and then you 'll have to , the vet will then do the treatment for the animal , but again you do n't get the vet you 'll only get the training vet 's to do the job and then they reclaim from the R S P C A , so it , no way that they have n't got any funds .
2 You ca n't rubble at a line .
3 D'Angelo 's set includes such memorable ditties as ‘ I Ca n't F— Without Falling In Love ’ .
4 It 's the same thing every day ; you ca n't sort of say you 're not going to do it , because you 've got to do it — like preparing a meal : it 's got to be done because if you do n't do it , the children would n't eat …
5 you ca n't sort of
6 Most people were still using wooden ploughs er which , not only di is it much more difficult to cut the sod with a er wooden plough , but it also cuts only in to about half the depth of an iron plough so you ca n't sort of turn the soil over to anything like the same extent .
7 You ca n't sort of say — well , I know some people do — but I ca n't say ‘ I wo n't pay that bill because I 've got to buy some food . ’
8 So that means until we 've heard from , one of them , we ca n't sort of ascertain finally the , the , the programme for the next few weeks .
9 Yeah the clock , the clock 's there I always get groups that say where 's the clock cos they ca n't sort of see where it is and I 'm sort of saying it 's the angle tell the time .
10 I think the officers really are to be congratulated , and erm , one ca n't sort of guess what could have happened if it had n't been so professional , but I suspect the fact that we won , what we 've won , is a result of the professionalism of our and I really would like to congratulate
11 Well I mean you could do a bit of both , I do n't see why you ca n't sort of start out with some general stuff about whether
12 You know , and he 'd got you , you ca n't sort of say , do n't ever be in touch with me or do n't ever or do n't ever
13 Well no , you have to scarify it and then you have to you have to carry on the work , you ca n't sort of do it and then think , ooh I 'll leave it for a couple of months .
14 Cos people , I mean now I mean you ca n't sort of even think about that till mid January or later .
15 But Neil he was gon na go down to Tesco 's but he is , Ipswich , ca n't get down here , so he ca n't sort of travel and you know what the hassle of having to take him and pick him up .
16 You ca n't sort of like you wan na put shelves up and do things to the house , that 's what keeps her going , wan na put the rent up it 's got a lot of disadvantages .
17 But you ca n't sort of turn round to Hannah and say Hannah , you 've got B O !
18 Yeah , of course you ca n't sort of cuddle him like that cos he 's too heavy , I rock him you know for a , a couple of minutes , not that long , he 's taken his braces off as well still do , do n't ya ?
19 Well , you know I just ca n't sort of let it go on .
20 I felt a bit you know , er you ca n't sort of , do you see what I mean ?
21 Which is really quite right but then , I mean , you ca n't sort of just love needs to be sort of spread out a bit does n't it ?
22 Well you ca n't create stability , the Communist Party ca n't sort of I mean cos that 's what , sort of hindering long term investments and that how peasants do n't feel that how that things are secure , they and it 's difficult to see what the Communist Party could 've done
23 Actually erm I 'm not really into it at the moment because I ca n't sort of make myself get in there , you know ?
24 Right , erm , yes , it 's for adults I think , and it 's such things as Leonard Cheshire Homes , er , and I ca n't thing of any other ,
25 You ca n't hear a thing , deaf as the , deaf as a post , and does n't wear any thing , I feel it 's very one side conversation because he , he says all the talking and they ca n't muck in almost unbearable , cos she likes to talk a lot to and she could n't get a word in because
26 Gould , forced to operate at the lower end of the transfer market as Coventry tighten their belts , can only gaze in wonder as Dalglish spends multi-millionaire Jack Walker 's money .
27 The Tories are , as in 1966 , once more devoid of ideas and can only resort to attacking and insulting the other parties .
28 Normally the principal counsellee is a child ; but there is no reason why the process can not centre upon the problems of an older relative .
29 The balance-of-payments deficit is not as bad as it looks , partly because it stems from private sector choices rather than public sector profligacy , and is thus inherently less inflationary as individuals can not resort to the printing press to ease the burden of their debt ; and partly because much of it may be imaginary , since the figures omit the ‘ balancing item ’ of unrecorded net receipts from overseas assets .
30 But mothers can not parent in a social vacuum .
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