Example sentences of "can [adv] give the " in BNC.

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1 The next day I went to the State Bank , and there I was told , ‘ That 's fine , only we ca n't give the money to the person here .
2 But it 's very infectious , and you ca n't give the vaccine to pregnant bitches . ’
3 well you ca n't give the birds much bread today , because I have n't got a white loaf , I 'm not going to give 'em this expensive whole meal bread
4 The pair want to hear from anyone who had relatives serving with the Tyneside Scottish even if they can only give the name , rank , serial number and home address .
5 And if the wrong person answers , or the engineer can not give the code word , the computer apologises for the disturbance and hangs up .
6 Statistics alone can not give the answer .
7 Thus , we can not give the reassuring answer one expects from theories .
8 I regret I can not give the correct pronunciation of the Gaelic names of the mountains : I never mastered them , adopting instead roughly similar English equivalents ; thus , for example , Ceathreamhnan to me was Chrysanthemum …
9 I regret I can not give the petitioner relief .
10 I can not give the hon. Gentleman that figure at the moment , but it is essential that we use NHS buildings as effectively as we can .
11 I can not give the hon. Gentleman the assurance that he seeks that I will agree with everything that the Edwards committee has recommended , but I can certainly assure him and the House that I will respond positively to the recommendations .
12 Although I can not give the House any good news on that score tonight , I can say that we are considering the matter .
13 Because the flow of companies coming to the market is outside of MAS 's control , we can not give the acquiror any assurances as to how many opportunities will be identified within a certain timescale .
14 ‘ I can not give the money until my doubts are resolved .
15 Members of the public have to depend on the press for information on which to base their opinions ; but if allegedly indecent films are always shown in closed courtrooms the press can not give the public the information which it may want and which is necessary for the formation of public opinion …
16 Women who have attended the Dow-Stoker Returner courses can always give the course tutor as a referee .
17 You can also give the number of words in the phrase .
18 The security grilles are made from steel or aluminium , and can also give the effect of leaded lights .
19 As reminiscence naturally proceeds from the past to the present , it can often give the counsellor an indication of where , and at what period , to focus attention in the search for the origins of the counsellee 's particular mental state or circumstances .
20 Thus discussion lessons can often give the impression that everything is just a matter of opinion — there need be no rigour , for " it 's all subjective anyway " .
21 Large patient throughput in hospitals can undoubtedly give the impression of excessive use if patients spend many hours waiting to be seen or queuing for drugs .
22 That at the very least gives me the opportunity er to at very least glance through , I do n't know how long they 're going to be of course , but at very least glance through them to see what I need to see , to see if there 's any which is self-evidently requiring further comment , or further site visit , and er I can then give the Councils a further two weeks in which to respond to that .
23 I can certainly give the hon. Gentleman an assurance that we will not go back to that .
24 I can certainly give the hon. Gentleman that assurance .
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