Example sentences of "can [verb] on a " in BNC.

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1 Mark Watson and John Warwick , joint co-ordinators , who double as NISW consultant and information officer respectively , are happy to talk to those who have no more idea about what they want to do than , say , look at child abuse in Texas , as they are to someone who can build on a clutch of ready-made contacts .
2 It can offer something different from both NATO and the European Communities , in the case of the former because it can concentrate on a European rather than a trans-Atlantic perspective , and in the second because since 1973 neutral Ireland has been a member of the Communities .
3 Primitive , limited creatures that can survive on a small repertoire of set-behaviour schemata do not play in infancy .
4 Conference , who can survive on a hundred and fourteen pound a week ?
5 Lacrosse can focus on a small area and resolve details down to perhaps a metre , or sacrifice clarity to cover a larger area .
6 Mourning is a much more conscious process where we can focus on a loss , either which we have experienced or which we are going to experience .
7 Resource charts show money , manhours , mandays , manweeks , percentage reference as the vertical scale and can focus on a single assignment , project or the entire plan to form a cost-schedule graph .
8 Dividend yields on expected 1992 earnings are up to 3.8 p.c. , compared with an average 3 p.c. over the last seven years and the economy can count on a resilient currency , low wage claims and an expected 40 p.c. fall in the trade deficit this year .
9 You can overtake on a double white line .
10 they can organize on a product basis ( eg where high technology products are involved )
11 they can organize on a customer basis
12 And if I have to , I can land on a stretch of roadway .
13 The loose-leaf format gives us a vehicle for recycling suitable parts of the backlist and for offering new materials in packs from which the customer can choose on a mix-'n'-match basis .
14 Sociobiologists discuss genes for male chauvinism , feminism , communism and perhaps even belief in the tooth fairy , with the solemnity once reserved for debates on the number of angels that can dance on a pin head .
15 In fact , a multimedia database may be called upon to store anything you can store on a computer or use in an information application .
16 If football 's not your game … you can bank on a feast of other sports this holiday weekend .
17 You can work on a presumption , a prebonderance of probabilities or whatever , but I mean what you can not do is take it that it 's absolutely fact that that is going to happen .
18 Here he creates the many happy and not so happy incidents that can occur on a skating rink where even a professional can ‘ miss a trick ’ .
19 A phenomenon which can occur on a high speed reach when air bubbles work their way down the skeg and cause it to lose its grip in the water .
20 Recognition Research for example has a Windows-based package , Autonets , which can run on a personal computer .
21 Hui says that because the source code is written under the assumption that the user knows both J and C , someone that knows APL and C will find J much easier to use than someone who knows only C. Another advantage is that J can run on a range of boxes , including the RS/6000 , Digital Equipment Corp VAX , Apple Computer Inc 's Macintosh and iAPX-86 personal computers .
22 Targets set for the compiler — including provision of a single parallel programming model for developing applications that can run on a variety of computers — were formulated by a coalition of industrial groups known as the High Performance Fortran Forum ( HPFF ) .
23 Watchd is composed of distributed algorithms that can run on a single machine or a network of machines .
24 Unusually for the PC it does n't require an environment manager like Windows or Gem which means it can run on a standard hard disk PC system .
25 If British Rail is under pressure to increase the frequency of its service , there is a case for a coordinated transport system operating bus and rail services , If there is a need for transport when it is not convenient to run rail services , or if only a certain number of trains can run on a line because goods trains and passenger services can not operate at the same time — although perhaps British Rail should be more innovative in its mix of passenger and freight services perhaps it is a good idea for British Rail and the bus services — as they are today , not as they will be affected by the Bill — to get together .
26 Geographical Information Systems that can run on a personal computer are now becoming available ; examples are SPANS and PC-ARC/INFO .
27 The idea that Britain can insist on a European construction of its own design was fanciful even before Eastern Europe entered the equation .
28 The problems arise because each agreement to refer is a separate contract , and each reference is private , so each of the parties concerned can insist on a separate reference excluding other parties .
29 Parties to an arbitration can agree to dispense with a hearing , but if they do not , one party can insist on a hearing : Mustill and Boyd , pp300-301 .
30 ‘ Do n't forget , you can insist on a blindfold .
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