Example sentences of "can [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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2 This complex behaviour requires mechanisms to register the presence of prey or danger and to decide on and make the appropriate response , attacking or contracting into a blob — sensory cells , secretory cells , muscle cells and above all a network of electrically connected cells running right across its surface which can coordinate the hydra 's responses .
3 There are many factors which can restrict the choice and ordering of themes in translation .
4 Spines can restrict the diffusion of Ca 2+ ( ref. 40 ) ; however , whether they do so in LTP is not known .
5 When plasmids coding for an endonuclease enter the E.coli C cells with an unmodified chromosome the K-modification is less effective on the unmethylated DNA [ 30 ] and the endonuclease can restrict the host chromosome [ 31 ] .
6 In this way the self-interested use of power can restrict the recruitment of talented individuals to highly rewarded positions .
7 Although prima facie s343 TA 1988 will apply to a hive-down so as to preserve the transferor company 's carried-forward trading losses and capital allowances position , s343(4) can restrict the amount of the tax losses and allowances transferred , where the liabilities remaining with the transferor company exceed its remaining assets ( including the consideration for the hive-down of the trade ) .
8 This is to help ensure nutritional balance in your diet and , in particular , to supply calcium , because dietary fibre can hinder the absorption of calcium to some degree .
9 Right to reproduce the wax model remains with the sculptor , but his hired hand can reproduce the bronze .
10 It is not possible to discover even one other sentential context in which the im — /zero alternation can reproduce the contrast we find with impertinent .
11 When used for playing full chordal accompaniments they can reproduce the sound of a full pipe organ , or of the string , brass or percussion section of an orchestra .
12 No synthetic chemical or compound can reproduce the vibration or pattern of the ‘ stuff of life ’ .
13 True , Leeds do n't expect to score 10 against Stuttgart , their first round European opponents this season — but Collins believes Wilkinson can plot the downfall of the Germans .
14 The more measurements you take , the more accurately you can plot the curve ( fig. 49 ) .
15 Family relationship , business connections , and commercial ties , are examples of the interests which can disqualify the decision-maker , as is membership of an organisation interested in the dispute .
16 ‘ Do you think you can spare the day ? ’
17 I would love to hear from you again , if you can spare the time .
18 Perhaps we 'll have some tennis , if old Rodge here can spare the time from his blessed cows . ’
19 If you can spare the time to sprinkle out ½ ounce ( 14g ) every week , that is even more gradual .
20 ‘ Kindly adjust the temperature , Mr Peckham , before it boils away , and then be so good as to ask Mr Pegg if he can spare the time to rejoin us . ’
21 Alex and Fred could ( if they can spare the time ) advise the CPL staff on assessing each potential adoptee on their merit regardless of where they live .
22 Erm what I 'm doing basically is er putting on as many exhibitions as I can using the centre 's name and making sure that I 've got a good amount of my work in there , although I do n't push anybody else out .
23 There is also a dial-up fax service where subscribers can poll the Weather Communications fax machine for reports which are updated twice daily .
24 she can insulate the house .
25 If the patient 's well-being is enhanced or if a problem such as asthma is cured , but joint pains flare up or a skin rash develops , the physician can reassure the patient that things are moving in the right direction and that the joint or skin problem should be transient and will also clear up in due course .
26 It clearly sets out to branches delivery goals that depots intend to achieve and it sets out how , in return , the branches can aid the delivery process .
27 Discussion of the film afterwards can aid the teacher in evaluating the effectiveness of the film .
28 Fourth , it can aid the process of life review , and fifth , it is an enjoyable and stimulating experience .
29 erm they can conduct the case themselves
30 … as a musician , you can make the course around the kids , providing that you 're offering them listening experiences from a wide range of music , and they can understand the difference between styles and approaches to composition .
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