Example sentences of "would not [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 Me , I 'd not stand for it . "
2 But that would not make for easy writing , still less reading .
3 The magazine would not go for it ; they could not afford the lawsuits .
4 ‘ Suddenly , ’ Mr Parker recalled , ‘ he calmly turned to me and said he would not negotiate for Taylor at all , would pretend he knew nothing about him , and would go all out for the other goalkeeper . ’
5 But the bishops would not apologise for nor retract the letter , and Mr Tembo could not convince them that the Congress Party had the right to pass death sentences upon them .
6 The statement said that Simranjit Singh Mann , the Akali Dal leader who had held talks with Shekhar in December , had no right to speak on their behalf and that they " would not settle for anything less than a separate state " .
7 Even if she was sitting next to him , complaining about his driving , her own imminent decease would not compensate for the depression generated by his own .
8 It would not do for it to take place in Moran 's house and Moran would not go to a hotel .
9 Dad was a regular churchgoer himself , a sidesman , so it just would not do for him to be seen working on such a special day in the Church Calendar .
10 It would not do for some occupant of the house to look out of the window and actually see one walking across the lawn .
11 It would not do for always , but it would do for now .
12 I tell you there ai n't nothing he would not do for that football club .
13 BELVILLE : [ aside ] To what numberless mean things did not this unmanly passion subject me ? [ to PAMELA ] My sister Davers would have had you live with her , but she would not do for you what I am resolved to do if you continue faithful and obliging .
14 After all , it would not do for me , a T'ang , to breach the Edict , would it ? ’
15 ‘ There is nothing I would not do for you , ’ he replied , and all at once frustrated beyond enduring , ‘ For pity 's sake , woman , ’ he implored , and , reminding her of a comment she had made to him that delightful mealtime in Bečov , ‘ give me a straight answer to a straight question — are you going to marry me ? ’
16 She could not make out the patch of canary-coloured light on the opposite wall , could not make out why the sun was shining and why her brown-stained hand , on the sheet , would not move for cold .
17 The SDLP 's public support for the Tories in the 1987 General Election caused its former leader , Gerry Fitt to comment : ‘ I would not vote for the SDLP because it is not a socialist party …
18 ‘ In other words , we would not vote for the ball being thrown in any direction , for instance to someone running onto it from deep .
19 Graham , the doubter who would not vote for the local Conservative MP , had even expressed indifference about the Russians taking over South Africa .
20 McDaid denied any links with the IRA and withdrew after it became clear that the junior partner in the government , the Progressive Democrats ( PDs ) , would not vote for a reshuffle including him .
21 The French Communist Party ( PCF ) , whose votes would have been needed for its success , boycotted the session ; it had declared that while it did not support the government , it would not vote for the motion , which it described as a " manoeuvre " .
22 He wanted them to gather last Friday and be absented from their weekend round of Championship matches , but even Albert Ferrasse , the autocratic French Federation president , would not stand for that .
23 The project proved impolitic : the public would not stand for it , so the Government discarded or diluted ideology to avoid unpopularity .
24 The speed at which McCarthy gathered support stunned America and had the campuses screaming with delight , especially when , on 31 March , their arch-enemy Lyndon B. Johnson announced he would not stand for re-election .
25 Thatcherism was widely viewed at the time as a mad right-wing aberration which the people would not stand for long .
26 In Michael 's mind it was tantamount to mutiny and he would not stand for anyone disagreeing with him .
27 She was quick to tell the world that Britain would not stand for anything which undermined the role of the queen , ‘ our beloved monarch ’ , or of our 700-year-old parliament .
28 Kate would not stand for anything like that , she was too straight .
29 And he , Alexander Augustus Hope , Colonel , at your service , gentlemen , would not stand for another coarse word in her presence , DID THEY HEAR ?
30 Whilst the process of jury selection was still under way , Barry made a television address on June 13 in which he announced that he would not stand for re-election for a fourth term in November 1990 , but would serve the remainder of his current four-year term , due to expire on Jan. 2 , 1991 .
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