Example sentences of "would be [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Deciding in his wisdom that the modern craft deserved a more streamlined collective description he decreed that henceforth the Trackers would be known as Customs Cutters , and the larger steel boats when built would be called Cruisers .
32 One of the problems Brown and Iles discovered in their study of community constables ( what , in the RUC , would be called neighbourhood constables ) , which was based on 300 officers in five police forces in England , was the relatively small proportion of working time devoted to activities the primary purpose of which was improvement in relations between the police and the public through direct involvement of constables in the community ( Brown and Iles 1985 : 29 ) .
33 If we specify what the R group is in this case , it 's a methile group this would be called methoxy so there 'll be methoxy group is the substituant .
34 The car that drew up outside the villa at sunset was of an obsolete make , long in the bonnet , high on the wheels , cared for , faintly absurd , the kind of car that nowadays would be called vintage .
35 Parlagi said that the new joint venture would be called Unisys Hungary and that initial founding capital would amount to $110,000 .
36 Moreover , he intended to take on himself the national leadership of the party thus created , which would be called Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional Sindicalista ( FET y de las JONS ) .
37 It 's a good job , she says , that they managed to complete most of the house before the birth , for they did n't anticipate the extent to which their lives would be turned upside down .
38 So extraordinary are the manifestations of his psychic energy that Professor David Bohm , emeritus professor of physics at Birkbeck College , says that if they are true ‘ all the known laws of physical science would be turned upside down ’ .
39 He killed the and heard that Jesus was born and he would be made king so he sent his men to go out and find every baby that was under two or three years old and kill them .
40 On 9 October , it was announced that Lord Swinton , a leading Conservative and former minister-resident in West Africa , would be made Minister of Civil Aviation .
41 ‘ Caroline made it clear that if she died before her husband then we would be made guardians , ’ said her sister Meriel Rosser .
42 But Courtney said he hoped that at least the factual part of the document would be made public .
43 The main sponsors of the meeting , Professors Matthew Meselson of Harvard University and Carl Kaysen of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , declined to answer questions about the meeting , Those who did speak to New Scientist did not know whether a summary of the discussions would be made public ,
44 An appeal court on April 15 upheld former Chancellor Fred Sinowatz 's 1990 conviction for perjury [ see p. 37721 ] , imposed after he denied having suggested in 1985 that information on Kurt Waldheim 's Nazi past would be made public .
45 He promised , however , that there would be a full investigation and said that the results would be made public .
46 Its findings would be made public .
47 Its findings would be made public .
48 Then she told Fergie that she and Charles had agreed to separate and it would be made official before the week was over .
49 The members of the audience were asked to watch the film closely as they would be asked questions about it afterwards .
50 ( 1 ) As he was obliged to do , the charging officer ( at a time when the Director was already interesting herself in the matter ) had told the applicant that he was not obliged to say anything ; yet only two weeks later the Serious Fraud Office was warning the applicant that he was going to be interviewed under compulsory powers ; and it was not much longer still before the office formally put him on notice that he would be asked questions which he would be compelled to answer on pain of punishment .
51 ‘ Lincoln , by today 's standards , would be disqualified hands down , ’ states Dr Ronald Fieve , author of Moodswing , citing dumped 1972 vice-presidential candidate Senator Thomas Eagleton after his depressions and electric shock therapy became known .
52 A diminished fourth would be diminished F double flat which would be played as an E flat .
53 After fifty , sometimes seventy-five hours without a break , drivers began to collapse at their wheels , and another precious vehicle would be written of– .
54 And if I 'd known there would be raised voices , I would n't have let you in here . ’
55 At the resumed talks it was agreed that Petur Mladenov , the State Council President and former Foreign Affairs Minister , would be elected President of Bulgaria ( his formal election being carried out by the Assembly on April 3 ) , but would be replaced when a newly elected legislature approved a new constitution .
56 It said that the auditors knew that Union Discount was extending credit to Berg and it was foreseeable that it would be sent copies of the accounts and would rely on them when making decisions whether or not to continue or extend credit .
57 His father said if he married her he would be cut oot , cut off withoot a penny . ’
58 In August 1895 , arising out of argument about the fees payable to the law officers , Lord Salisbury , as Prime Minister , promised Sir Edward Clarke that he would be appointed Attorney-General if a vacancy occurred within two years .
59 Prince Sihanouk himself proposed a compromise on Sept. 21 , whereby he would be appointed Chair and the SOC would be entitled to a seventh delegate .
60 He said it was probable the school would be given grant maintained status by January next year .
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