Example sentences of "would [be] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 James gave me a message to say you 'd be at home . ’
2 When I lived right on the job it used to drive my wife round the bend — I 'd be at home on a weekend , perhaps in the garden , and I 'd think about something in the greenhouse across the road so I 'd go over there and disappear for an hour whereas perhaps I should have been giving more time to my family .
3 ‘ And so do I. Before he was born I decided he would come first and that , if it was at all possible , I 'd be at home with him throughout his early years . ’
4 When Cleveland 's Liberals held a Press conference to announce their three women candidates , all that the silly men reporters wanted to know was who 'd be at home doing the washing up .
5 He was going to win the British Open , so he 'd be at Augusta the next year !
6 Immediately she 'd sensed that this was wrong , that there was nothing for her in this office , and that she 'd be at risk if she stayed around a moment longer than was necessary .
7 ‘ Why did you think I 'd be at Julius 's London flat ? ’
8 A woman on the tram said we 'd be at war by Christmas . ’
9 I thought you 'd be at band last night .
10 France 's president , François Mitterrand , is among those who have pointed out that transferring the power to make monetary policy to an independent body would be at odds with the clause .
11 ‘ Your Grace , I thought you would be at Windsor ? ’
12 And this time he , and not that chef , would be at Rose 's right hand .
13 IN A normal year Franco Kasper , the International Ski Federation 's secretary , would be at Saalbach in the Austrian mountain heartland today , running a critical eye over the brand new downhill course being tested in World Cup before next season 's World Championships .
14 The Allies would be still at war with Japan , while Russia and China would be at peace — a situation which would be fraught with obvious dangers and embarrassments from our point of view .
15 Soon , she would be at peace .
16 Always with resignation and with grief but buffered by the knowledge that he would no longer be in pain and confusion , by the fact that he 'd had a long and lively life — that he would be at peace at last .
17 In the past New Zealand have insisted that the Cup would be at stake only over a Test series , or in a one-off Test .
18 If there were to be a failure in maintaining this conquest , the ‘ livelihood ’ of these people would be at stake .
19 MSF would be at liberty to make an offer for the property .
20 The little woman , instead of having to explain the spending of twenty-five shillings of the housekeeping money on a half bottle of " cooking " brandy , would be at liberty to raid the Scotch for a few tablespoonsful at any time , and nobody the wiser .
21 He had n't expected the red carpet to be unrolled for him , but he had thought that at last he would be at work , setting up his meetings , on the move .
22 Mr Michael Swinton , it said , had accepted a commission in Nottinghamshire and would be at B — Castle some weeks .
23 I asked the Czech manager if they would be at Rutland Water in June and he said they would not be able to afford it .
24 Clement 's purpose was to make cultured persons under instruction for baptism , called ‘ catechumens ’ ( by contrast with ‘ the faithful ’ who are the baptized ) , feel that they would be at home in the church .
25 Most in the occult would be at home in your local golf club .
26 After school , Mrs Trickett suggested , they would probably be engaged in other activities ; at bedtime perhaps only one parent would be at home , and the children would be tired .
27 Mrs Stych did not want to offend the queen of the social columns by arguing with her , so when that lady went on to inquire when the newspaper could send a photographer , Mrs Stych said in her most gracious tone of voice that the whole family would be at home that evening any time after six .
28 There is an illustration in this book which encapsulates this fault line in time : an extraordinary angular dressing table of 1912 by Josef Gocar , which would be at home in the Eighties , reflects in its mirror the ancient tripod camera with black cloth with which the photograph was taken and a photo of a Victorian lady in highnecked dress .
29 Thus , for example , the disabled wife ( or cohabitee ) can only draw the Non-contributory Invalidity Pension if she is unable to perform normal ( as defined by the DHSS ) household duties , regardless of whether housework is her normal profession , regardless of the fact that men and single women only have to prove inability to do paid work to qualify for the pension ; and conversely , the Invalid Care Allowance , for people who lose their incomes because they must stay at home and care for a sick relative , is not payable to wives ( or cohabitees ) because it is assumed that they would be at home in any case !
30 Normally on New Year 's Day he would be at home with Mandy .
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