Example sentences of "would [not/n't] [vb infin] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 No asking of others what he 'd not do himself .
2 ALTHOUGH John Kirwan might be in a honeymoon mood at the moment after the whole All Black team turned up at his recent marriage in Italy ( see pages 54 and 65 ) , his good humour is unlikely to last too long if the NZRFU meeting on December 12 and 13th decides to take action against him over his public announcement that he would not make himself available for the All Blacks if Auckland coach John Hart is not Grizz Wyllie 's successor as national coach .
3 If he were to conform to the strict rules of etiquette and combat guiding the danseurs nobles of the French opera-ballets , he would not demean himself by seizing the nearest thing at hand , the rudder from his boat , to put his adversary to flight .
4 That would be quite unacceptable to good potential MPs who do not think much of popularity ( their own or other people 's ) and would not demean themselves by deliberately setting out to acquire it .
5 Mrs Grandison had promised her daughter that they would not inflict themselves on her for a meal — realising that Lady Selvedge might well be something of an infliction — and had assumed that from Victoria they would take a taxi to some Soho restaurant or perhaps Simpsons in the Strand .
6 The practical difference between the two theories of adjudication is therefore this : in a conventionalist regime judges would not think themselves free to change rules adopted pursuant to the reigning legal conventions just because on balance a different rule would be more just or efficient .
7 Kate was a woman in every sense of the word , and she was a woman who would not give herself to a man lightly .
8 However , given the small size of our anticipated samples and the fact that they would not lend themselves easily to quantitative analysis it was decided to focus in this study upon qualitative data .
9 Moreover , the proposed business units would span several establishments and would not lend themselves easily to rapid consolidation .
10 She would not explain herself to Luke Scott , because to do so would mean he mattered to her , and to let him matter in even the smallest way was to make herself vulnerable — to let him in at some level , and she had an intuitive sense of the havoc he could wreak once admitted to the number of those people who mattered in her life in their various ways .
11 But this text clearly belongs to the period after Alexander , though I would not commit myself to a Maccabean date .
12 Why should rebels who would not commit themselves to the support of the state enjoy its fruits ?
13 Their heads were actually downcast , they themselves were ashamed of it and yet they would not commit themselves to vote for it .
14 ‘ We did not bring them here to sit in the stand , ’ Roxburgh said , although he would not commit himself as to whether either was considered a starter against the French .
15 Acheson would not commit himself on the sums of money involved and indicated that estimates had to be finalised .
16 But he would not commit himself beyond that .
17 The government remained reluctant to recognize UNITA until it agreed to end its destabilization campaign , while UNITA would not commit itself to ending hostilities until its future political role was guaranteed .
18 He would not bother himself with it now .
19 Kathleen was kind but she would not bring herself to visit and Dorothea knew she ought not to have asked .
20 The latest official denial followed the publication of the first OPCS report in September 1988 , when the Minister for the Disabled said that ‘ the resulting estimate of six million disabled people includes many who would not regard themselves as disabled or in need of special help from services or cash benefits .
21 Mahmoud Abul Abbas , leader of the Palestine Liberation Front , was not re-elected ( he had earlier announced that he would not nominate himself for membership ) , following the recommendation of a special committee set up to investigate his abortive seaborne raid against Israel in May 1990 [ see pp. 37443-44 ] .
22 She would not lower herself to the level he clearly thought suited her .
23 A truly political art , he realised , would not content itself with the message alone ; it would it had to engage the viewer in a questioning of the nature of the institutions and the pressures they exert , and thereby subject them to the necessary critique .
24 Tony said he would not allow himself to get into the same state and that he would talk to someone about how he was feeling , probably his father or even his mother , and that he would try to do something active about his problems , rather than just giving up .
25 Those early years were best forgotten and he would not allow himself to dwell on them if he could possibly help it .
26 Adding that he would not allow himself to be intimidated , he pointed out ’ — as did my hon. Friend the Member for Dewsbury — ’ that legal proceedings were pending against ten of the twelve EC countries for failure to respect EC rules on the assessment of large-scale works . ’
27 But for now , she would not allow herself to think , she would rest for a few hours and then make arrangements to deal with business matters .
28 She would not allow herself to see it .
29 She would not allow herself to feel like his prisoner .
30 She would not allow herself to be pulled inexorably towards some unknown destiny that he had in mind .
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