Example sentences of "would come [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 they used to go out sprin and the nuts 'd come above the wood .
2 She 'd come across the twins propped up against the garage doors , applauding and screaming with delight at a patter delivered in a woman 's voice .
3 In fact I 'd come off the road .
4 I knew I 'd come to the right place .
5 They 'd come to the feeding-place and there 'd be nothing there .
6 He 'd come to the conclusion that he was of a completely different species to Leila and her people .
7 ‘ I knew I 'd come to the right place . ’
8 After a minute swimming around she 'd come to the surface panting for breath .
9 I guarantee you 'd come to the same conclusion , sir .
10 He had been last year 's judge and immediately he said he 'd come to the prize presentation on the evening of the 19th and judge the judge 's choice .
11 Three times eight or eight times times three does n't matter which way you do it , it 'd come to the same thing .
12 I found I 'd come to the Wetherden Mapole , and there was a chap there with his horses .
13 ‘ I 'd come to the end of my tether , ’ she confesses .
14 The man called Pratt who 'd come to the Dasses ' house on a motor-cycle did his imitations of dogs .
15 So we asked him if he 'd come to the sale just and I told my father , cos my father was n't keen you know .
16 ‘ And I did n't know he 'd come to the hotel to find you !
17 I 'd come to the house but your dad might n't like it .
18 I know Anna would be delighted if you 'd come to the wedding tomorrow .
19 Grant had no idea how close he 'd come to the truth , as he taunted his enemy .
20 ‘ Yes , I 'd come to the same conclusion . ’
21 They 'd come to the Chiltern Show at Stoke Mandeville on the understanding that more than 90-thousand people were expected to turn up .
22 They 'd come into the shops covered in Christmas decorations .
23 I spent the war with chaps who 'd come into the army straight from the dole queues .
24 She 'd come into the women 's group after the others had spent some time talking about their individual relations to femaleness ; feminism for her was a safe place , a rhetoric spoken to her by other women , a description they made of her , a set of ideas they had worked out and which she acquired to wear as a badge .
25 He 'd been quick to supply it , and she 'd come into the comfort of his devotion with an ease that suggested his dreams of possession had been well founded .
26 For the first time since they 'd come into the house , Roman turned his dark gaze directly on to her .
27 Well it was a wee bit under because I was only an office clerk , I , I was n't the junior but by then had come there and there were other , other clerks , some girls who 'd come into the office and I 'd got a little bit of step up you see and took over a little bit more important work , erm , I did just before I went in the Army have a dabble at erm running times , that was preparing the schedules for buses .
28 And when she could speak again , she said , ‘ I thought you 'd come about the pigeons !
29 ‘ You 'd think he 'd come for the Christmas or even write but never a word , no thought for anybody except himself , ’ and it cast a deep shadow when they tried to imagine what kind of space enclosed Luke in England during the same hour , but they were n't able to imagine it .
30 She glanced downwards , just exactly as she had on the day I 'd come for the room .
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