Example sentences of "would then [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 The sow 's natural instinct is to build a nest of grass and leaves in which to give birth and rear her young , which she would then suckle for three months .
2 Fraser would then leave for Agedabia as agreed to carry out his attack on the night of 21 December .
3 Bagehot was anxious that the established parties might bid for the support of the working man , and he was even more anxious that a working-class party might arise that would then press for the interests of that class through the ballot box and through Parliament .
4 The problem would then arise for those who had advocated the continuation of this legislation that neither the employer nor the employee nor the Revenue would benefit from the lesser use of these services .
5 PREVIOUS whisky industry wisdom had it that Whyte & Mackay , largest minority shareholder of Invergordon Distillers since it made its hostile bid , was going to wait for yesterday 's results and , if they were sufficiently poor to drive down the share price , would then pounce for the remaining 8.8 per cent of shares to give it control .
6 Lord Birkenhead , who lunched with Lord Derby ( the Secretary of State for War in Baldwin 's Cabinet ) on 10 December , told him that Baldwin would resign , that the King would then send for Lord Balfour , the only living Conservative ex-Prime Minister , to seek advice .
7 The one victorious team would then qualify for the semi-final , to be recorded a fortnight later .
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