Example sentences of "would have [been] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 I know but I should have thought by now it 'd 've been better .
2 I 'd 've been quicker if I 'd gone down into Brentwood , picked up the M twenty five and gone on the A one M
3 ‘ She 'd have been better with someone nearer her own age , ’ the old woman murmured to herself .
4 Aye , it seems I 'd have been better letting it run on the blooming thing .
5 It 'd have been better if I 'd told him to go ahead up against the tree .
6 Con always knew where to stop , and he knew where you should stop as well , and if you did n't , he reminded you that you 'd have been better following his example . ’
7 But he 'd have been , he 'd have been better , well well he would n't have done .
8 It 'd have been better if I 'd kept them two .
9 You 'd have been better changing one .
10 ‘ I must say I 'd have been happier , ’ said Rose , when everyone was suited and they had all sunk into their chairs , ‘ if Viola had kept away .
11 Of course , the , the speeds would 've been higher as well .
12 Offering Encina as a single OLTP environment offering on the RS/6000 would 've been better , argues Data Logic , as 90% of Encina is in the CICS/6000 product in any case — CICS/6000 sits on top of the Encina toolkits — and only the monitor that is different .
13 It would 've been better but erm I think that these terms have now become so widely known there 's , there 's no way of changing it back .
14 It would 've been easier if I got into dealing again , but I ca n't afford any more heavy scenes with the law .
15 Now , now it would 've been easier for you , the , the part that you missed out which would have brought all that in to play would have been how much do you want to pay , do you wan na pay a , a small amount over a long time or a big amount over a short time and then that would 've brought that into play .
16 I think that bloke coming off the ladder with the buckets of paint would 've been funnier than them
17 It would have been cheaper — and certainly better PR — if speakers had been offered jugs of iced water , the liquid being supplied by North West Water .
18 It would have been cheaper to have taken the coach , if longer , but Dr Bailey had sent a curt postcard telling him it would be best for her to meet him off the noon train ; the campus was some way out of town , it would be best that way .
19 They will argue that such job creation as may have taken place is temporary and artificial , that the cost of achieving even this was too high and that it would have been cheaper and industrially more advantageous if people from development areas had been forced or encouraged to move to the prosperous areas .
20 In the event Bernard was allowed his extensions and the only stipulation was that the wall facing the road must be in stone to match the adjacent stone-built bridge , rather than in brick , which would have been cheaper .
21 Would have been cheaper to have used matches .
22 It would have been cheaper to let the railway worker go for nothing !
23 Last year , two of my hon. Friend 's constituents in such a house paid £676 in community charge , so this year 's council tax would have been cheaper for them —
24 Things would have been pleasanter if the weather had been more summery , but you ca n't have everything and in England one gets accustomed to wet and windy summers .
25 The reader can judge for himself whether his comprehension would have been fuller if he had known this topic .
26 But it would have been tidier if he could have separated them .
27 ‘ If he 'd gone away a long time ago , it would have been better , ’ said Mrs Clancy wryly .
28 I feel it would have been better to include this as a subheading to each mountain .
29 ‘ It would have been better if he had praised us no matter what anyone said , ’ Sheila said when the girls were alone with Rose , disappointed that he had failed to support them in public no matter what his intentions were .
30 Indeed , the SL 's overall economy would have been better still had it not taken an unusually dim view of performance testing , its consumption plunging to just 14.4mpg while at Millbrook .
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