Example sentences of "would [be] [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 They 'd be seen as grasses or informers .
2 Each show would be themed , but initially at least they 'd be dressed as runner beans , large pumpkins , that sort of thing .
3 Yes , I , I was actually just saying to my wife last night , erm , who would have ever thought that in the same year , we could have lost two of the greatest wing-halves , as they were in those days , but I suppose mid-field players they 'd be known as today , who 'd
4 Land adjacent to the site would be developed as the Lancashire Enterprises Business and Technology Park .
5 They would be deployed as four 750-strong " security units " .
6 Diana , they decided , would be painted as a sick woman with only a tenuous grasp of reality .
7 In the example above , if the other candidate words ( ’ rouse ’ and ’ rouge ’ ) showed negligible overlap , then ’ house ’ would be selected as the semantically most plausible word in that position .
8 We decided , therefore , that it was pupils who were absent without authorisation or explanation from parents who would be defined as truants .
9 He said that Maccas goal would be credited as an OG , cos he was trying to pull it back from the byline but it hit sherwood and span in .
10 A real rate of interest , which would be calculated as an annual rate per cent , takes into account the following facts : — the period of the loan may not be for a full year : interest is only charged on the actual amount borrowed ( eg not including any deposit paid ) ; — if regular repayments are being made , the full amount of the loan is not outstanding over the full year .
11 And that would be calculated as the total amount dissolved in the ocean divided by its rate either of addition or removal so if we 're assuming steady state the two will be the same , whichever is easiest to ma measure and that would normally be expressed in years
12 [ See pp. 38161 ; 38304-05 ; for 1991 First Compensation Law on expropriated property ; the amount of compensation under both laws would be calculated as if the total claim were being made on the basis of one law . ]
13 His special task was to kidnap mortal women and take them back to the fairy mound where they would be employed as wet-nurses for fairy children .
14 In acknowledgement of the urgent need for reform in this area , de Klerk proposed initially that henceforth : ( i ) the death penalty would be limited as an option of sentence to extreme cases , and the area of judicial discretion in the imposition of sentence would be broadened ( currently the death sentence was mandatory for certain crimes ) ; ( ii ) all those sentenced to death would be granted automatic right of appeal — up till now there had been no appeal against this sentence ; ( iii ) no further executions would be carried out until Parliament had decided on the proposals .
15 Like Cobbett , many suffragettes would have said that it was not so much the vote for its own sake that they sought as the improvements in the status and conditions of women which they believe would be achieved as the result of women 's enfranchisement .
16 We both are experienced pilots , and initially , we thought it would be done as a visual flight , with a bit of adventure .
17 At times it seemed that price increases would be favoured as a means of raising self-financing and reducing pressure on the capital market ; at others that rises would be deprecated as contributing to inflation .
18 The most controversial aspect of the Mojave ; some 80 per cent would be reserved as wilderness under the legislation .
19 Then I learned that if I did not make these payments I would be registered as a debtor for a period of six years .
20 If Hoddle does leave , there 's speculation that Joe Jordan , the former Bristol City manager , would be condidered as a possible successor .
21 By those who treat scientific and religious discourse as two distinct language games , or who detach doctrines of creation from statements about the physical world , Drummond 's attempt to integrate his faith with evolutionary science would be dismissed as an unfortunate error .
22 Gandhi travelled to the state on Oct. 6 and the next day he announced that Patil would be replaced as Chief Minister within four days .
23 The UK government had disclosed on Dec. 30 , 1991 , that Sir David would be replaced as governor at some time during 1992 .
24 She had lied to him because she wished to evade the unpleasant truth of her life as a rich heiress , to try to make a new life free of old ties and old mistakes , where she would be loved as McAllister , who had nothing .
25 One option would be to continue as an independent mutual .
26 Each product group would be represented as a circle on the portfolio grid , where the size of each circle relative to those for other product groups indicated the proportion of group profits earned by that product group .
27 In the circumstances , no member of Katherine 's funeral cortege was particularly surprised that there was trouble at the graveside , though they were relieved Dr Kavanagh had stayed away , the line from New York to Inniskeen quivering with warnings that opening Patrick 's grave would be regarded as desecration .
28 A victory for her would be regarded as a particularly bitter blow for Mr Chirac , who has been campaigning in support of her rival .
29 With the largest majority in Britain to defend — 27,044 — anything less this time round would be regarded as defeat by these Stakhanovites of the Fens .
30 Having held that British practice was not in accordance with law , the judges found it unnecessary to address the question what would be regarded as acceptable limits on the right to privacy .
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