Example sentences of "would [verb] him at " in BNC.

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1 We played the match and won , and just before saying goodbye I said I 'd see him at Birkdale .
2 He gave them his card , hoping they 'd contact him at a London mailing address , for modelling assignments .
3 PS I told Nero you 'd meet him at Dover but I should leave your chariot behind he might not understand if you cut him in two , he 's funny that way .
4 ‘ I said you 'd meet him at the car in ten minutes . ’
5 Maybe I 'd set him at ease by saying ‘ g'day ’ , but he looked like he 'd known me all his eight years , and leant quite steadily on me for the drive to Robert 's parents ' cottage , where we arranged photos .
6 ( An understandable state , since he is described as having ‘ led the way ’ for Robert Frost — whose revered poetry is misquoted — which would make him at least 110 ) .
7 I had wagered a purse that I would beat him at bowls and Drake never could resist gold .
8 He said he was in contact with the Chief Constable of Warrington who told him that the Ball family would welcome him at the funeral , but only as a private individual .
9 Even if he managed to get to a horse , he had a nasty suspicion that it would follow him at its own pace .
10 She was watching him so intently as he bit into it that he began to wonder if Smallfry was right to fear she would poison him at the slightest opportunity .
11 Poindexter , weary , did not really want to know and had no memory of the memo at all ; he told him he would see him at the office in the morning .
12 There was no real way of keeping him away from Irish friends … unless of course , he were to have an accident too — something that would keep him at home for several months preferably .
13 DeVore laughed , knowing the drug would last for hours yet — would keep him at this peak until he had done with her .
14 What she needed was a weapon of some sort , something that would keep him at a distance should the need arise .
15 Right at the end , as McLeish 's teeth were starting to chatter , Davidson confirmed that Penelope Huntley would meet him at eight next morning and he hoped that that was n't too early , sorry , but the lass had been difficult to tie down to a time .
16 She would take him at his word .
17 ‘ From there , ferry and all , to the place where he was ambushed , would take him at the most half an hour .
18 We hoped that the US medical team whom we supposed would attend him at Wiesbaden , as we 'd heard had happened with other American hostages , would recognize that he needed a long rest .
19 Were Bernard to be unfaithful to her , she was convinced , she would leave him at once .
20 He feels it would put him at a disadvantage .
21 The key job , currently held by Michael Heseltine , would put him at the forefront of the drive to get the country back on course .
22 My son was so feeble that I thought I would lose him at birth .
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