Example sentences of "would [verb] [to-vb] to " in BNC.

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1 ( Who 'd want to go to bed with roses anyway , what a mad idea ! ) ’
2 ‘ Who 'd want to go to those places ? ’
3 You have criticised those for looking after , Councillor Clark , I did n't talk when you were talking , and I thought you 'd want to listen to what I 'm saying , because er , I think you could learn a lot .
4 Yet Posi seemed to think that I 'd want to respond to this call .
5 Even if she were , I ca n't think she 'd want to talk to you . ’
6 Therefore , the one is a destination which you 'll probably find you 'd prefer to go to for a long weekend or perhaps a , part of your annual holiday etcetera , our parks are places you go to for a day out and I think therefore there is a very er , strong difference between the sort of visit and because I feel that EuroDisney which will undoubtedly will be good , it 's a proven formula er , it 's run well er , it appeals to a lot of people and therefore it will be I think er , successful , exactly how successful I obviously ca n't say , but it will be successful , it will certainly attract British visitors , but they 'll come back , looking er , with certain higher expectation , a value for money , quality etcetera , etcetera .
7 I 'd prefer to go to my room . ’
8 When Julie Mills moved into her new home she thought all she 'd need to do to the kitchen was give it a lick of paint .
9 So , if there 's anything of a medical nature you 'd like to put to Kathleen , tomorrow 's your big chance .
10 Er , there is just one crucial one I think that I 'd like to refer to briefly .
11 Er , I 'd , I 'd like to refer to paragraph seven on page two , which describes how the S T G for this coming year is going to be distributed just by S S A rather than by the , the two previous formulae together .
12 Erm I 'd like to refer to my page three or er section four in my conclusions because I think if I if I heard Professor Lock correctly I think he and I are at one in in a suggestion which is is put to you in in if you like without prejudice to the generality of what I have been saying in support of the council 's policy .
13 Now the children are at school , she 'd like to return to work part-time .
14 If we could invest more in this sort of group then more families who 'd like to return to work would be able to afford to do so .
15 But certainly one , three things I 'd like to respond to erm erm mm Mr Curtis .
16 A couple of points I 'd like to respond to councillors .
17 That 's a shame really , cos I 'd like to talk to someone .
18 I 'd like to talk to you .
19 ‘ I 'd like to talk to Mr Kendall alone , ’ Doone said placidly .
20 ‘ As I said , I 'd like to talk to you about your mother . ’
21 I 'd like to talk to you about it , somewhere quieter .
22 I 'm Foreign Office , I 'd like to talk to you about Michael . ’
23 A lad we 'd like to talk to , the Captain and 1 . ’
24 We 'd like to talk to him .
25 ‘ I 'd like to talk to you , but I find it difficult . ’
26 ‘ And now I 'd like to talk to that boy , please . ’
27 ‘ I 'd like to talk to you about it .
28 I told him I 'd like to talk to the head man .
29 ‘ I 'd like to talk to her ; does she still live around here ? ’
30 ‘ I 'd like to talk to you . ’
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